June 4, 2016

Return of Paganism, Phoenician Tribalism

[From article]
At its core, Europe has abandoned its Christian heritage in favor of the Canaanite side of the family tree.
One is amazed, when one studies history, how much of human conflict originates in a family or clan feuds. The present Mideast crises have their origins in the biblical feud between Jacob and Esau. Looking further west, we can see that the Punic Wars can be thought of as feuds between the Carthaginian Barca family and the Scipios of Italy. The wars between Scotland and England often involved feuding family claims on the Stone of Scone -- a rock of questionable origins, so steeped in myth that it is beyond the scope of this article to assess the veracity of any of the various and competing legends.
Yet, we know these myths are often based on a germ of truth. Troy did exist; and hence the Trojan War did occur, though Homer certainly exaggerated it for poetic effect. If there was a Helen, and if she was as beautiful as the myth says, she must have been a stunner. We are still singing about Helen, three millenia later.
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Updated Europa and The Bull Myth Symbol of The EU

We do know from history that the Phoenicians brought literacy and civilization to the Europeans through trading with the early Minoans and Myceneans.
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What is clear is that these Phoenicians shot out to the West, and jump started our civilization. Later on, migrating Indo-European (IE) tribes would absorb them. Oddly enough, willingly. The Celts got along well with the Phoenicians. Gaelic legends [Irish and Scottish] speak of a mixed European and Phoenician ancestry.
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So, it is no small leap to conclude the Phoenicians/Carthaginians brought bullfighting to Spain when they migrated to Spain from Carthage, after having moved to Crete from Lebanon. They set up all over the Mediterranean.
What we notice is that Mediterranean European culture is heavily Phoenician in origin, and partially Phoenician in genetic bloodline as well, though obviously diluted into the Indo-European (IE) tribes.
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More astoundingly, in front of the European Parliament is a statue of this woman [Europa] riding the bull. A celebration of a maiden being carried off to be raped by a deceptive god, Zeus.
Why would any modern polity embrace a mythological rape as their inspiration? There has to be something amiss in the European mind. Where are the leftist feminists? Why aren't they upset? Yet, Europeans have embraced this gruesome legend and plaster it all over their culture.
More astoundingly, in front of the European Parliament is a statue of this woman [Europa] riding the bull.
A celebration of a maiden being carried off to be raped by a deceptive god, Zeus.
Why would any modern polity embrace a mythological rape as their inspiration? There has to be something amiss in the European mind. Where are the leftist feminists? Why aren't they upset? Yet, Europeans have embraced this gruesome legend and plaster it all over their culture.
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The Europeans could have chosen El Cid, Richard the Lionheart, or better yet, Leonidas I, the hero of Thermopylae. What is wrong with Europe?! Bestial Rape?
One of America's Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, wanted America's image to be Moses leading the tribes of Israel to liberty across the parted Red Sea. That alone sheds insight into the difference between European and American mindsets, at least two centuries ago. I suspect, the difference has eroded.
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Just who were these Phoenicians who brought civilization, and this inspiration, to Indo-European (IE) tribes in Southern Europe?
They were the Canaanites, the ancient enemies of Israel.
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The Canaanites had a very dark civilization. This is glossed over, as history books mention only their achievements; but there was a reason Moses wanted them obliterated. Yes, the Phoenicians brought the alphabet to Europe (probably learned it from the Hebrews, and took credit for it); and yes, they brought mercantilism, and seafaring knowledge; but they came with baggage, lots of baggage: child sacrifice, temple prostitution, and animal cruelty, at least to bulls.
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The ancient Jews, and their sages, were quick to notice that European civilization had embraced much of the Canaanites' cultural affectations.
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The problem is that Europe's embrace of Christianity was only superficial -- they did not embrace Christianity strongly enough. Had they, the Canaanite Phoenician influence would not have survived.
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but a deeper insight would indicate that at the time of the writing of the Book of Revelation, everyone who heard it would have immediately associated the image with the foundation myth of Europe. The Greeks at that time were all familiar with the legend of the Rape of Europa. However, one understands the verse and chapter, it certainly applies to European Civilization in general, not just Rome.
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This ancient feud between the Hebrews and the Canaanites would resurface between the Jews and the Europeans at times. This is no accident. It is a family rivalry, albeit attenuated by intermarriage. As Europe continues to de-Christianize, this pagan core will begin to reassert itself,
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The last time this happened was under Hitler, who tried to re-paganize Germany. The shock of WW I had started to de-Christianize the continent and Hitler strolled in with his neo-pagan Nordicism. Europe is less Christian today, so the potential for even worse is there.
Under stress, the retro-virus has broken out again in Europe's abandonment of Israel.
These arcane myths are the subconscious echo of an ancient feud driving European policy. At its core, Europe has abandoned its Christian heritage in favor of the Canaanite side of the family tree. The result is frightening.


June 4, 2016
Europe and the Phoenician Virus
By Mike Konrad

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