December 21, 2015

Biased Journalists Expose Their Ignorance of American History

[From article]
If you cannot appreciate the “wisdom of crowds,” you will never understand American democracy or the Trump phenomenon. Trial by fire builds character -- and constituencies.
The other day a headline read; “Donald Trump declares war on Muslims.” After reading the subtext, you could have concluded that the real war might be with biased journalists and lunatic Muslims, in that order.

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The raps against the Donald usually test the limits of credulity and fact, to say nothing of fairness. You may recall, ironically, that appeals to “fairness” are a favorite media mantra when it comes to convicts, drunks, junkies, deadbeats, dependents, immigrants, and Islamists.
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The press might trivialize facts and truth, but eventually the crowd knows better. Lincoln put it best: “You can’t fool all of the people all the time.”
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Dara Lind [who] claims that Trump is at “war with Islam.” Previously, you may recall, Trump had been at war with women. This is the same press loath to use words like war, Muslim, or fascism when the subjects are political terror and Islam.
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With one spontaneous rhetorical orgasm, [Chris] Matthews established the bigotry of low expectations as a political metric. Indeed, in seven years, Barack Hussein Obama has lived down to the Matthews marker.
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Matthews may be confused or bigoted, but George Stephanopoulos is prey to abject historical stupidity. In the halcyon days of White House bimbo eruptions, George carried water for misogyny and perjury as a Clinton apologist. To be fair, loyalty is a cardinal virtue in journalism and politics alike.

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The differences between National Socialism and toxic Islamism are two. True believers or sympathizers with jihad number in the hundreds of millions; the Nazi cohort of true believers was relatively small. And German fascism was based on a creed of racial superiority while Islamists are hostage to illusions of religious superiority. Both have fascism in common where dystopian violence, terror, and occupation are the primary agents of influence, colonialism, or imperial conquest.
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Muslims ravished (630-1094 AD) the great cities of the Greco/Roman Mediterranean basin, much as they do today, for hundreds of years before Pope Urban II (1042-99 AD) unleashed the Franks towards Jerusalem. With the exception of Iberia, western civilization never recovered most of what was lost to Islam and irredentism.
Judaism and Christianity enriched the Greco/Roman world with ideas. Islam, then as now, seeks to restrain ideas at the point of a sword,
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Islam is again on the march today and modern Europe has not the wit, nor the heart, this time to mount an ideological or kinetic defense.
The difference between then and now is that Khalif Baghdadi has already bypassed the gates of Vienna.
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Counterfactual bleating that passes for truth or analysis at ABC, one that attacks those who urge the containment of fascism, is the kind of doublethink that makes genocide possible. Posturing for ratings at ABC with spin that equates the plight of Jews with Muslims is consistent with the polite domestic bigotry and racism of Chris Matthews at NBC.
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When the issue is “trust,” American journalism wallows in the single digits in many polls. Trump’s numbers are approaching fifty percent in many places where votes matter.
Elitists try to diminish Trump’s numbers with innuendo about “high school graduates” as if a college degree ever made a difference in intelligence, character, or achievement, especially among politicians or journalists.
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A strategy of confronting press and political spinners is paying yuge dividends, if we can poach Trump’s favorite adjective.
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Win or lose, Trump brings many subjects that we prefer to ignore into sharp focus. On every hot button topic from obese women, to soft racism, to John McCain, to press bias, to immigration, on to toxic Islam, Trump is as close to truth on issues as his critics are to pandering.
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Compared to whom? Surely not Barack Hussein Obama, another Bush, or Bill Clinton’s most durable gal pal.
Posit, if you will, a series of Donald/Hillary debates. The gate on those cage matches could pay off the national debt.
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The wisdom of crowds is the way democracy works when media and political elites fail to fool all of the people all the time.

December 21, 2015
Trump and the Wisdom of Crowds
By G. Murphy Donovan

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