April 10, 2012

Democratic Party Historically Racist, Still Is

[From article]
" What caused the change in the attitude of blacks towards the two political parties was not any real perception of Goldwater as a bigot, which he emphatically was not, but rather upon the perceived benefit to blacks of socialism and of statist intervention in the private affairs of Americans.
Socialism promises those who are at the bottom of society greater affluence by the redistribution of wealth. Historically, that noxious doctrine has had very little appeal in America because groups have entered America destitute and, through dint of hard work, have risen to the heights of society within a generation or two. Irish, Italians, Jews, Japanese, Greeks, and other immigrants have proven the validity of this proposition over and over again.
As Thomas Sowell has so persuasively demonstrated, black America not only could, but did rise fast in American society once legal restraints on race -- the sort that men like Coolidge and Goldwater have always opposed -- were lifted. As one small but telling example, Sowell notes that in the segregated school system of Washington, D.C. in 1899, blacks scored better than whites on standardized tests."


April 10, 2012
Race, Republicans, and Democrats
By Bruce Walker
American Thinker

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