April 10, 2012

Teen Baby Sitter Killed By Married Couple, After Depraved Sex and Drugs

So lets see, this guy was on parole for burglary, and firearms violations. He was a known member of an Aryan Nations group. He, his wife and the teen-aged babysitter were doing meth, heroin and marijuana. Yet no one was watching any of them. But for 40 years local police, crime families, Communists, Harvard University campus cops and FBI informants took turns keeping me under 24/7 surveillance, harassment provocations and character assassination. And someone is watching the police so that they do not abuse their powers?


White supremacist gang member who 'injected babysitter with heroin and had sex with her before dumping her body' prided himself on teaching teens how to abuse drugs... and was brought down by a fellow gang member
Details emerging about 16-year-old Alexis Rasmussen's death
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 19:14 EST, 10 April 2012 | UPDATED: 02:56 EST, 11 April 2012

* * *

Horrific death of babysitter 'injected with meth and heroin by couple who had sex with her before dumping her body in wood'
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 18:38 EST, 9 April 2012 | UPDATED: 00:13 EST, 10 April 2012

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