April 18, 2012

More Democratic Party Liberal Double Standard

[From article]
Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.: “What he’s saying, I can’t figure out what people are talking about. He’s talking about him, that Ted himself would either be dead or in jail. Now how does that relate to the president? I have a real hard time putting that together. If you want to see how you can be abused, read my book, “The Greatest Hoax,” and see what Bobby Kennedy – you know he wanted to hang me for treason, and so if you want to see some real threats, you can see that. I don’t know what they’re talking about.”
Rush Limbaugh, the most-listened-to radio host in the nation, also chimed in on the case today.
“Has the Secret Service said that they want to talk to Reverend [Louis] Farrakhan? Reverend Farrakhan said that the leaders were gonna start dying pretty soon here if they didn’t shape up, right? Something like that. And how about Jimmy Hoffa Jr.? ‘Let’s take those SOBs out.’ Except he said the words SOBs instead of the initials.”
WND reader Mary Gill echoed Limbaugh’s line of thought, saying, “I would like to know where Ms. Wasserman Schultz and the Secret Service were when House Democratic Rep. Chuck Kruger suggested on his Twitter account that former VP Dick Cheney be executed. … Freedom of speech one-sided now?”


Rocker warns leftists to 'call 1-800-NUMBNUT'
Joe Kovacs
April 18, 2012

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