April 27, 2012

Scapegoat - One More Team Leaves The Field

Another period of intense, severe, relentless, harassment from a delightful Communist moron just ended. There are a lot of them in this country contrary to the cluelessness of journalists. He repeated the pattern previously conducted by dozens if not scores of morons before him. In 1990 the Cambridge police employed by the California syndicate conducted a super deluxe frame-up against me. They were joined by next door Somerville police and the Harvard University campus police. The object was to put me in jail. They began with daily harassment where I lived disturbing my sleep every half hour. Lack of sleep does wonders for the brain. Some researchers say that sleep deprivation is worse than taking hallucinogens. It has a more destructive effect on the brain. Rational thought goes away. After several weeks of that harassment I chased an Asian man from my building. It turned out that he worked for the Somerville police. The landlord verified that he was in the Cambridge building without permission. After I chased him from the building I went to the police station. But as soon as I was out of my building he appeared in a car taunting me. He'd back up to where I was then drive away quickly. I walked to the Cambridge police station which was on Western Avenue in Central Square. 

The police arrested me reportedly under direction of the police chief or commissioner whatever his title was then. Black Cambridge police kept me awake all night preparing me for court. The next day at the courthouse it kept getting more bizarre, like Kafka's The Trial on steroids. A more detailed account of the entire incident must wait for another time. 

The police held me for 78 days contrary to law for a competency evaluation. When I was released I learned the Somerville police employee told the Cambridge police that I hit him with a baseball bat. I did not have a bat, but details do not matter for a frame-up. One at a time, seven lawyers were assigned to represent me. I fired six of them because they refused to put on any defense. I learned later that they were paid to not put on a defense. At the second of three trials the final attorney assigned told me that the judge told him, "If you get on the stand and testify about what happened to you, the judge will stop the trial, call the psychiatrists and have you committed to a hospital." So much for the right to defend oneself free from coercion, from a judge no less. 

There is a lot more to this story. The lesson here is that because that incident remains on the police computer files which are effectively open to the public, everyone and anyone can find that report and try to recreate the situation. That's in addition to those who shun me because of the computer files. Police perspective is, they never do these things. Television networks broadcast each week stories of miscarriages of justice. Innocent men and women are convicted, while guilty men and women go free. Even when a man who was convicted of a crime is later found innocent police and prosecutors refuse to accept the fact that they made a mistake. In my case it was intentional. That happens too. 

In Boston this seems to be a pervasive pattern of abuse. The FBI allowed one of their charming informants to murder 19 people for which he is finally on trial in 2012 after 30 years of the good life. One agent says he murdered 31 people. But the same FBI office also framed four white men for murder. Two died in prison and two were released after 30 years. So it is not surprising that this happened in Massachusetts where the many police agencies are never scrutinized contrary to logic and common sense. 

For 40 years crime families and Communists conducted a brutal campaign of character assassination accusing me of crimes that I did not do and for which I was never formally charged. But they all punished me multiple times for each allegation. There was no notice, no opportunity to defend myself. Just accusations and punishment. I even was unaware of the accusations. They kept bringing in new morons who believe what they are told. It reflects what Stanley Milgram revealed in his book Obedience to Authority. A majority of people (up to 60 percent) will obey what they consider to be legitimate authority even if it means inflicting cruel deadly punishment on others. With police it is exponentially worse. 

Same with crime families who must obey orders from their superiors. So that is what they did. They simply find someone and order them to repeat the allegations including but not limited to the police frame-up. 

For two weeks, four months, three years whatever it takes for them to conduct their abuse, they were unable to have me jailed or hospitalized. Next the police, Communists, crime families, send a woman (sometimes a homosexual) as payment. This is often called human trafficking, using people to pay bills, and for rewards. It shows how depraved the nation is. Some people remain skeptical and are clueless. Others know and refuse to speak out about it. Still others thrive in this environment. 

This is a mechanistic view of humans. They are property, a commodity used for trading, like paper money. There are no human emotions involved. They expect me or any person who was abused for a length of time to be grateful for having access to a woman. But it is only an object to them. There is no relationship or love involved with this transaction. How cruel are these people? Does this explain all of the corrupt counterproductive policies and actions of cities, states, and US government agencies? Is that why corporations are being plundered and the plunderers rewarded? Does it explain the heinous crimes committed by mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, neighbors? 

In his new book (2011), Betrayal, Robert Fitzpatrick with Jon Land, reports that he spent many years growing up in an orphanage. He described how there was no love there. Discipline, abuse and competition, but no love. The basics were provided, but little in the area of positive human relationships. While reading that I realized how fortunate I was growing up. I was smothered with love. Not only at home but outside among friends and people I went to school with, and played with. I knew what love was at an early age. I also realized that my life over the last 42 years lacked love. It was all about abuse. I lived like a hunted animal for all those years. I did not realize that until I was reading this new book about James Bulger, the Boston FBI informant who is now on trial for 19 homicides. It is people like Bulger that controlled my life for 40 years. I am lucky I know the difference. The author Fitzpatrick was the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Boston FBI office. He knew about Bulger and the corruption. But he describes how hard it was to rid the bureau of Bulger, because so many agents and US Attorneys were opposed to stopping the criminal enterprise run by Bulger. It is an easy read. For those unaware of these events it will help you understand what government is like in Massachusetts.

And so. Another one (team of sociopaths) bites the dust. Each time they bring in younger and younger people. The latest team was in their mid to late twenties. It was a primarily Chinese American team, with the necessary token black American to protect against accusations of racism. I'm aware of how smart most Chinese students are, and of how smart Harvard students are in general. But one thing many of them lack is common sense. Integrity too. So no matter how smart they are, they conducted a brutal campaign inflicting harm without any justification, even though they believed they were acting in the name of good. The police and crime families now use twenty-year-olds to harass a 69-year-old man they say is disabled. Isn't that special?

Trying to explain in my mind how people can be so depraved, in the latest period of abuses, Chinese American citizens in the US may share an autocratic form of governance. Many hyphen Americans from other countries do not understand or support extending to others the Constitutional protections that they enjoy. It is something that the founders of the nation, the writers of the Constitution, knew well. China is still a Communist nation. They do not allow the notion of free speech, the right to defend oneself, due process in general. The Obama-Holder racialist administration does not support the Constitution. So it is noticeable that the coordinator(s) of the abuse (I'm persuaded that it is a high ranking Harvard University administrator, funded by some organization, maybe taxpayer money) intentionally chooses people who will obey, who bring a hatred of older white men. One thing many citizens of Chinese descent share is respect for elders. I do not know if this has changed. It is certainly not the case with most Americans who throw away their relatives as soon as they become a burden. I once met a woman who told me that when she gets old no one will care about or for her. If she did not have money she would likely be abused and abandoned. I wondered what made her think that if people get money for taking care of her they will not abuse her and maybe steal her money too?

Without missing a beat the day after the Chinese-American team ended their mission, another delightful criminal appeared in the apartment above mine to continue harassing me and disturbing my sleep. Let me guess. It is Friday. It must be a Midwesterner working for the Outfit in Chicago.

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