October 1, 2015

Deleterious Effects of Sen. Edward Kennedy's Immigration Act of 1965


[From article]
Democrats haven’t won any arguments; they changed the voters. If anything, the Democrats have stopped bothering to appeal to Americans. The new feminized Democratic Party says, That’s too bad about those steelworkers in Ohio losing their jobs, but THERE’S A WOMAN AT A LAW FIRM IN NEW YORK CITY WHO DESERVES TO MAKE PARTNER!
Republicans should be sweeping the country, but they aren’t, because of Kennedy’s immigration law.
[. . .]


More than 30 million of Obama’s votes came from people who arrived under Teddy Kennedy’s immigration law; fewer than 10 million of Romney’s did.
The 1965 act brought in the poorest of the poor from around the globe. Non-English-speaking peasants from wildly backward cultures could be counted on to be dependent on government assistance for generations to come.
[. . .]

As of 1970, there were only 9 million Hispanics in the entire country, according to the Pew Research Center. Today, there are well more than 60 million.
We’ve already taken in one-quarter of the entire population of Mexico, most of whom seem to live in Los Angeles. For the last decade, nearly half of all felons sent to California’s prisons have been Hispanic, according to the Department of Corrections.
[. . .]

No country has ever simply turned itself into another country like this.
With the media cheering the end of America and businessmen determined to keep importing cheap labor, Democrats don’t even bother hiding what they’re doing.
[. . .]

The Democrats got the voters — and the country got 9/11, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon bombing, clitorectomies, an explosion of gang rapes, child rapes, sex tourism, slavery, voodoo, Russell Brand, billions of taxpayer dollars stolen in Medicare and Medicaid scams, an epidemic of heroin deaths, soccer, bankrupt school districts and hospitals, overcrowded prisons, and endless tax hikes to pay for all the immigrant services, as small town after small town goes all-Mexican, or all-Somali or all-Hmong.
[. . .]

The cultural left is overjoyed at the remaking of our society into one that is poorer, browner and less free.

These changes are entirely the result of government policies that were never debated, much less put to a vote. Americans have not been consulted on the question of whether to turn our country into some other country. Never mind what we’re doing. You’ll thank us later.


The War on America Turns 50

Ann Coulter

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