October 17, 2015

Israel Fails To Protect Its Citizens From Palestinian Terrorists

Muslim Cleric Teaches Muslim Youth How To Kill Jews

[From article]
The first obligation of government is to protect its citizens. The U.S. Constitution adds some pretty important duties to that one. But public safety is a sine qua non for all the others.
It is therefore strange indeed to see Israel's elected government shying away from its most important job.
Like Switzerland, most competent adults in Israel are carefully trained in the disciplined use of arms. Disciplined, as in driver training and traffic enforcement. But Israel inherits its legal code from the British Mandate and the Ottoman Empire. It has no strong legal tradition of individuals being trusted to arm themselves for self-defense.
This is objectively looney-tunes, of course.
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Islam is a war theology, like Bushido Japan. War-making cultures are a dime a dozen in human history, as the anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon has finally proved. Humans make war. They always have, and the only way to reduce ideological warfare is to tell the truth. ISIS is a classical Muslim war cult, just like the mullahs on the other side of the Gulf.
Sun Tzu wrote, "It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles[.]"
[. . .]
The knife intifada in Jerusalem has a dreadfully demoralizing effect on people, just like inner-city violence in Chicago. It makes adults feel helpless and hopeless, and that traumatizes their children, too. You can't raise healthy kids in a world of fear and intimidation.
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As always, the world media are sunk in mendacity, keeping things going as dysfunctionally as possible. Who benefits from this neurotic state of affairs? The enemy does, of course.
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Obama was wondering out loud the other day why conservatives regard him as dangerous. Obama is in fact the most dangerous president in American history. He never learns from his own failures.
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When the higher intellects of the New York Times looks at places like Israel – and very soon, all of Europe – they always blame the victim.


October 16, 2015
Israel Fails the First Duty of Government
By James Lewis

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