October 31, 2015

Elite Abuses Government Power Contrary To Desires of Voters and Taxpayers

[From article]
Members of the elite, the people who make public policy, are generally above average intelligence. They are generally well informed. Why would they promote a policy that is clearly not in the best interests of their nation? Their stated reason for encouraging immigration from the third world is to replace workers that are absent due to demographic decline.
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the future Pope Benedict XVI: "There is a self-hatred in the West that can be considered only as something pathological. The West attempts in a praiseworthy manner to open itself completely to the comprehension of external values, but it no longer loves itself; it now only sees what is despicable and destructive in its own history, while it is no longer able to perceive what is great and pure there."
[. . .]
former British Home Secretary Jack Straw, who allegedly said, “The English as a race are not worth saving.” Straw was part of the British administration that opened “up the UK to mass migration.” When asked “what is Swedish culture,” Mona Sahlin, former leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party replied, “I can’t figure out what Swedish culture is. I think that’s sort of what makes so many Swedes jealous of immigrants. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that binds you together.”
[. . .]
Multiculturalism is ordained in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the General Assembly on 13 September 2007. It states, “that all doctrines, policies and practices based on or advocating superiority of peoples or individuals on the basis of national origin or racial, religious, ethnic or cultural differences are racist, scientifically false, legally invalid, morally condemnable and socially unjust.” This nonsense is not even believes by the migrants. Haitians bypass Cuba, Muslims transit through Turkey and other migrants pass through half a dozen countries to reach the narrowminded, oppressive West.


October 27, 2015
Immigration - The State vs. the People
By John Dietrich

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