October 31, 2015

Updated(2): Publishing Interruptus Again October 11, 2015

Posted October 11, 2015; Last Updated October 19, 2015 4:34 PM ET

It appears that the latest round of intense police criminal abuses are from those delightful and always charming Communist lesbian women from New York City. When it all began in 1970 it was the very same group of women. Except they were then operating under the auspices of the USSR. Now they are from the People's Republic of China. The awful part is that for 45 years crime families, FBI informants and assorted psychopaths conducted their abuses based on their beliefs that I was a Communist, while Communists were attacking me. They conduct the same pattern of boring performances. They begin with young women as bait continuing their behavior conditioning campaign trying to make me into a homosexual. 45 years so far and it still hasn't worked. But they never give up. After the women act as if I was trying to rape them, they use homosexuals who are admiring, friendly and loving. Often these men and women are extremely troubled. They bring along police (in this case Harvard University campus police, who are always willing to do favors abusing their power for personal, economic and political purposes) trying to scare me into a new round of fighting organized crime. Anything to keep me from enjoying the basic right to be left alone to pursue happiness. Only thing they forget or did not know, that government psychiatrists drugged me using hallucinogens and then the FBI scared me into their control in order to conduct a brutal 15-year campaign preying on an impaired individual, using me as bait for crime families. "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -- Mark Twain.

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On Saturday and Sunday October 17-18, 2015 for about 36 hours Harvard University campus police and their employees conducted a brutal relentless campaign of intense criminal harassment and alarming lockstep surveillance. In addition to disturbing my sleep, and keeping me awake, trying to provoke violence, they came along to public libraries where I use computers due to sabotage of my home computer. As if that is not enough, staff and patrons join in sabotaging my use of public computers intruding into the network to block my usage. On Saturday evening October 17, 2015 one fine gentleman sat at one of the computers talking loudly as if he was on Skype, or a cell phone. He laughed loudly. I wondered why no one said anything about his behavior in a library. Nonetheless he often took long looks at me smiling, acting as if I was his friend. I do not know if he is truly troubled or if he was just pretending to be, ridiculing me and humiliating me as if I shared his problems. I noticed Harvard University campus police patrol cars following as I arrived home. Later when I took out the trash there was another (or the same) HUPD patrol car sitting at the rear of the building near the trash barrels. One more day in the non stop, 45 year campaign of harassment, character assassination and criminal abuses.

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Please take notice that intense harassment from mostly black homosexual police associates of the California crime Syndicate continues and increased over the last few days. They work with white women, who are likely lesbians. 

They seem to be imitating the Kennedy cult's protocol using a black homosexual FBI informant with a white lesbian for the past 35 years, who they employed to pretend to be my friends while robbing me and broadcasting character assassination.


Publishing will continue when possible until this current period of criminal abuse is reduced. It never ends.

One team replaces another. It appears that a black homosexual Cambridge police employee and FBI informant of the John Connolly and James Bulger crew at the Boston field office is again active.

Unable to document and record the daily attacks and publish. Some of these criminals are from Medford, MA and some are from Washington State.


It is not easy to distinguish. Local state and US authorities stand by and watch. They all say, "He's crazy." and then conduct their abuses on a person they perceive as disabled.


They are a charming group of public officials abusing their power. It is the kind of behavior that makes Washington DC politicians so lovable.   

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