October 17, 2015

Middle East Muslim Migrants Threaten Truck Traffic Trying To Get To UK

Migrants Jumping Into Trucks

[From article]
Over a year into the European migrant crisis, a lorry driver and a haulage union representative has warned that morale is at an “all time low” among truckers who are faced with the daily ordeal of navigating the daily chaos at Calais.
And what exactly is this “ordeal?” It is this: hordes of Muslim “refugee” invaders flood onto the roadway, blocking traffic and criss-crossing lanes as they attempt to enter trucks and buses in any manner possible. It looks like this.
[. . .]
They have catchy slogans like this one: “No more borders, no more nations, no more racist deportations!”
Hey, y’all over there across the pond. If things keep going the way they are, you’ll get your wish. There will be no more United Kingdom or any other nation. Except one. It will be the Islamic Caliphate 24/7. Good luck with their “racist deportations,” because that is the least they will have in mind for you folks.


October 17, 2015
Muslim 'Migrant' Chaos in Calais
By Carol Brown


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