September 25, 2015

Low and No Information Voters Encouraged By Media Manipulators

[From article]
Dinner conversations took the term “low-info-voter” to an entirely new level. While a few friends and relatives were politically well informed, the majority were shockingly clueless.
Our family and friends are well aware that my wife Mary and I are political activists and members of the Tea Party. When asked who they should vote for president, I recommended Ted Cruz, of whom they never heard. Someone said, “Isn't there a black doctor running?” They know Trump from his TV shows. They know a woman and a Bush are running. That was the extent of my family and friends knowledge of the GOP primary. They knew nothing about the Iran Nuke Deal or the Planned Parenthood scandal.
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This is why GOP presidential contenders must stop taking the bait and apologizing every time the MSM lays a trap while demanding an apology.
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I would have loved to hear Trump say, “Why are you asking me such stupid questions? Planned Parenthood is black marketing dead baby body parts. Why are you complicit in hiding this horrific evil scandal from the public?”
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Stephanopoulos and his ilk are disgusting.
GOP presidential contenders need to wake up and realize they are not going to get a fair shot from the MSM. Nor will the MSM tell the American people (voters) the truth about any issue.
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Playing nice with the MSM and not attacking Obama's record is not going to get it done in our current political environment. Two great governors dropped out of the race for the GOP presidential nomination, Rick Perry and Scott Walker.
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Patriots campaigned, funded, and voted for conservatives with little or no results. There is a sense of desperation and urgency in the air. Americans instinctively know we are losing our country, despite the MSM's spin. Voters are favoring “outsiders” in hope that they will keep their word and deliver real change.
[. . .]
The American people are fed up with PC, liars, and betrayers.

September 24, 2015
How the Sleazy MSM Manipulates GOP Contenders
By Lloyd Marcus

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