September 21, 2015

Shocking, Voters Want Non Career Politicians

[From article]
the punditocracy is ablaze with outrage that the voters might actually pick a candidate – in this case, Donald Trump. It doesn't matter if you're pro or contra Trump. What I find a little shocking is how the scribbler class is openly trying to knock off the most popular candidate – in much the way they sneered at Reagan (just an old B-movie actor), and, for that matter, at Lincoln (a backwoods hick). Reagan and Lincoln lacked "nuance," "gravitas," and fashionable radicalism.
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So how does it feel to have your country overturned against your will by a trendy leftist ideologue, elected primarily for his cool factor? How do you think the Russians and Saudis feel about our hero, now that he's sabotaged every single ally and boosted every America-hating tin-pot tyrant in the world? Have we been punished enough to make up for winning the Cold War? Obama certainly wants to give us more of the same, until "justice" is finally achieved. (Which is never.)
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conservative pundits have made up their minds – and the most popular candidate is taking friendly fire. But regular people aren't going along. That annoys the elites something awful.
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Apparently our gurus have trouble tolerating the angst of not being in control. [. . .]
It's all very messy, and sometimes evil demagogues really rise to the top.
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Our generation is intellectually slothful and badly impaired by drugs, alcohol, and media madness. We are easily scared by the race-baiting media. A century of degenerating public education has dumbed down the average American to unprecedented levels of political ignorance.
But now we are seeing the most dangerous times since Jozef Stalin got the Bomb. Our allies are under murderous pressure around the world – by far the worst example of that being Obama's historic capitulation to the thug regime of Qom and Tehran. This is crazy dangerous stuff. It is also very real.
We now know that our "historic" president came into office ready to surrender to the mullahs. Co-President Val Jarrett started back-channel talks with them right at the beginning – probably even before they got elected.
In the meantime, former Pacific Fleet Commander Adm. James Lyons is telling us, “The Obama administration has a strategy. It is very simple. Any thinking American should be able to grasp it. It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood.”
[. . .]
Our political class has failed again and again to face the reality of jihad – following their buddies in Europe, who just let in around 100,000 "Syrian refugees," who happen to look just like jihadis, ready to blow up Amsterdam and Berlin the first chance they get. D.C. just doesn't get that we are losing the Long Jihad War for lack of leadership. The people are ready – but we have cowardly, incompetent, and untrustworthy leaders.
[. . .]
The left has always specialized in contempt for the proles and the peasants. We see enough of that in our vulgar and hysterical media. It's beyond disgusting. Contempt for ordinary people is not in our tradition. Too many of our gurus are hothouse flowers, hired by the left to make them look balanced.

September 21, 2015
How dare the voters pick a candidate?
By James Lewis

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