September 24, 2015

It's Deja Vu All Over Again, Job Security, Job Security

Sleeping Beauty as the Republican Party

[From article]
I think we want a president who’s better than us.
[If that is so, who is better than the current occupant of the White House? Columbia University; Harvard Law School; Law Review? Huh? Better than that?] 
[. . .]
The consultant class wants a neat, static world, where nothing ever changes. They produce an occasional tepid victory to create the illusion of a two-party system. But like Arafat with the PLO, Republican insiders don’t actually want to govern. The organization itself has become the cause — not the purported goals of the organization. Just keep the donations rolling in.
[. . .]

Trump is popular because we now live in a Kardashian nation and are one big cult of celebrity!
[. . .]
All that matters is that they get to keep their offices, their salaries and their friends.
[See. It's all about job security.]
[. . .]
Ironically, it’s the Ivy League billionaire living a glamorous New York City life who has rocked the political world by speaking for ordinary Americans and insulting the powerful. Meanwhile, depressingly average Washington insiders insult ordinary Americans and suck up to the powerful.
When someone like Trump comes along and is actually serious about winning the very causes the GOP purportedly seeks to advance, he is seen as a disruptive force.

Most alarmingly, Trump brought up immigration. The Democrats thought they had this one in the bag — they’d worked it all out with Republicans! Both sides had agreed: I won’t talk about it if you won’t.
The decision has already been made: We aren’t going to ask the American people what they think. We’re just going to do this because we think we’re right, and at a certain point it will be impossible to reverse, because Republicans will never be able to win another national election.
The transformation of our country has been a deliberate, methodical process, carefully hidden from the public.
[. . .]
Immigration is an easy argument to win. But if you talk about it, the media will cut your mike.
[. . .]
You might think California would wake up even the utter mediocrities in the Republican Party. But their predictable little lives have been disrupted. That’s why Trump has them in a panic.

Useless Idiots

Ann Coulter
Wednesday Sep 23, 2015 5:31 PM

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