September 23, 2015

Some People Are Better Than Others, Especially At Harvard Law School, No Equality There

Does Mr. Ansik think that "students of color" are not as venal as students not of color? What  happened to equality? People of color can be as ambitious, greedy, rapacious and lawless as other people. See, e.g., the current occupant of the White House, a Harvard Law School graduate. Promoters of social justice promote a misguided view of humans. Lawyers accused of misconduct assert, "I am an officer of the court." But when there is pervasive lawlessness, as by the current White House and among Harvard Law School faculty in the ethics persuasion they remain silent. Do the reformers ever look in the mirror?

[From article]
if you’re a student interested in social justice or a student of color or part of a marginalized community in some way, you start to realize you’re being taught law and certain cases where you’re supposed to justify injustice to be part of the class,” [said Mihal R. Ansik, a third-year law student]

Law Students ‘Disorient’ to Discuss Social Justice
September 23, 2015

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