September 13, 2015

Courts, Lawyers, Baltimore, MD City Government Join In Corrupt Scheme

[From article]
What really is going on here is a massive payout to Gray's attorneys, led by Billy Murphy, the effective leader of the plaintiff's liability bar in Baltimore, who stands (with other members of his team) to clip 30-40% of the settlement money for nothing more than a few hours of easy bargaining with the friendly mayor's office. The plaintiff's bar in Baltimore (and Maryland in general) is totally in the pocket of the state's Democrat politicians, who favor the ambulance-chasing lawyers by holding back limits on liability exposure and damage recovery in return for enormous campaign contributions.
[. . .]
Like a casino that values winners because it keeps the losers complacent and ever hopeful, city officials know that while only the Gray family, their attorneys, and hangers on will immediately profit from the settlement, much of the rest of West Baltimore, particularly those potential rioters whose real interest is not "justice," but free stuff, will see the settlement as a sign that this system remains robust and can promise a lucky "victim" a lottery-size payout.

September 11, 2015
Baltimore's incredibly corrupt settlement of the Freddie Gray case
By Jonathan Keiler

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