April 1, 2012

Russia Reveals High Tech Weapons, Previously Denied

[From article]
"‘The development of weaponry based on new physics principles – direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, and so on – is part of the state arms procurement programme for 2011-2020.’
[. . .]
Research into electromagnetic weapons has been secretly carried out in the US and Russia since the Fifties.
[. . .]
previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone’s thought processes.
High doses of microwaves can damage the functioning of internal organs, control behaviour or even drive victims to suicide."


Putin targets foes with 'zombie' gun which attack victims' central nervous system
Could be used against Russia's enemies and perhaps its own dissidents
Daily Mail (UK)
PUBLISHED: 18:08 EST, 31 March 2012 | UPDATED: 18:08 EST, 31 March 2012

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