May 18, 2015

Stephanopoulos Exposed As Political Operative Posing As ABC Journalist

[From article]
He made two unforgivable decisions: He didn’t tell his bosses about the donations and he didn’t tell viewers that he had given money to the foundation even as he reported on it and the Clintons.
At most news organizations, either would be a fireable offense. Either would be a fireable offense at ABC for someone less important.
[. . .]
ABC needs to face the truth. Stephanopoulos has forfeited all trust as a newsman, period, end of story.

George Stephanopoulos has forfeited all trust as a newsman
By Michael Goodwin
New York Post
May 16, 2015 | 11:43pm

* * *

[From article]
Of course he’s from Massachusetts. How could George “Steffi” Stephanopoulos possibly be from anywhere else — he’s insufferably smug, duplicitous, politically correct, corrupt and obscenely overpaid.
And most significantly, in the tradition of every Bay State sleaze from Ted Kennedy to Barney Frank to Jonathan Gruber, Steffi is going to get away with it.
Being a moonbat means never having to say you’re sorry.
Somewhere, disgraced NBC “News” anchor Brian Williams must be thinking: “I can’t believe my career is over, and Steffi’s isn’t.”
Last week Steffi was outed as a world-class hypocrite and fraud, attacking author Peter Schweizer on ABC “News” as a paid shill for the GOP while covering up his own payoffs to his former (and future?) employers, the Clinton Crime Family.
Steffi said not revealing his $50,000 kiss to the Clintons was “an honest mistake.”
That’s what he said. Honest.
Two hours later, Steffi issued a new statement. Actually, it wasn’t 50 grand, it was 75 grand. Another honest mistake, I guess.
[. . .]

Consider ABC “News.” The president is named Ben Stewart. His sister works for Obama as a deputy secretary of energy. The ABC flack involved in handling the spin on Steffi’s honest mistakes is a former White House flunky for the Clintons, 1997-2000.
One of “Good Morning America’s” crack reporters is Claire Shipman. She’s married to Jay Carney, who went from a Democratic fanzine called Time to flack for Obama.
GMA, you may recall, is the “news” program that broke the story about how the Aurora movie-theater shooter was a member of the Tea Party. It was one of those stories that was too good to check out, so they didn’t.
When Obama was running for president in 2008 he said on ABC’s Sunday morning Democratic infomercial that he was a Muslim. Steffi gently reminded Obama that he was supposed to say that he was Christian. Hey, what are friends are for?
[. . .]
The current president of CBS (or See B.S.) “News” is David Rhodes. His brother Ben is an Obama stooge who was up to his eyeballs in the Benghazi cover-up.
The new host of “Face the Nation” on See B.S. is John Dickerson. Selected by the brother of Benghazi Ben, the rabid moonbat Dickerson two years ago wrote on a left-wing blog that his hero Obama needed to “declare war on the Republican party” in order to “pulverize … destroy … delegitimize” the GOP.
[. . .]
“David Axelrod now works for MSNBC,” Obama said, “which is a nice change of pace since MSNBC used to work for Axelrod.”

Carr: Dishonest mistake
Sunday, May 17, 2015
By: Howie Carr
Boston Herald

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