May 30, 2015

Brigitte Gabriel Speaks To UN About Muslim Slave Trade, White House Has No Comment

Brigitte Gabriel

[From article]
Ms. Gabriel is a Lebanese Christian describing the systematic persecution, murder, rape, and slave-taking against Christians in the Middle East -- Christians who have lived there since the time of Jesus.
If we ever manage to make Americans face the reality of Jihad, it will be due to men and women like Brigitte Gabriel. Like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and Geert de Wilder[s], they are risking their lives to save civilized society, constantly opposed by the malicious liberal media and death threats from Muslim fascists.

Geert de Wilder

As always, the Left’s silence about Islamofascist massacres means consent. The Left is utterly cold-hearted.
[. . .]
I don’t know if Obama is a secret Muslim, but it doesn’t really matter -- because his silence means consent. Whatever he believes, he stands convicted by his silence.
Every week ISIS uploads videos celebrating sadistic murders of innocents. But Obama says nothing.
This collusive silence of the Left is nothing new. The Left was just as silent about Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and all the other Marxist murderers, including North Korea’s Kim dynasty.[. . .]
The genocide against Christians and native cultures in the Sudan has been public knowledge for two decades. But Americans still do not know where their president stands on the African slave trade. His silence gives the answer.
[. . .]

Pamela Geller

Today, black children and women are sold on slaves markets in Africa and the Middle East, just like the public markets used to sell the ancestors of today’s African-Americans. But Muslim slave raiders have no color prejudice. In the Middle East they kill and kidnap Christians of Arab descent, Yazidis, and any “apostate Muslims,” like the civilians of Ramadi who were just murdered on the public streets.
 In centuries past Muslim slave raiders in Africa brought their victims to coastal ports for the Atlantic trade.
[. . .]
African-Americans are whipped up to rage against living white folks for the Muslim slave trade. That is either woefully ignorant, or it is a political lie, meant to squeeze the race racket for money and power, like Mr. Obama’s good friend [and FBI informant] Al Sharpton.
The genocide against Christians and native cultures in the Sudan has been public knowledge for two decades. But Americans still do not know where their president stands on the African slave trade. His silence gives the answer.

Robert Spencer

May 30, 2015
Silence about Muslim horrors means consent
By James Lewis

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