May 22, 2015

Sarah Palin Has Style, Elegance, Has Right On Her Side

Two Cambridge, MA leftist extremist liberals once insisted that Sarah Palin was not a woman. 

[From article]
Palin said we should expose the Left's false premises and educate the public to the benefits and virtues of Conservatism. Wow! How simple and right on target is that?
Many Republicans believe we have lost the argument and the only way to win votes is to abandon core principles, surrender and campaign according to the Left's/Democrats' false premises. In essence, they want the GOP to call wrong right and right wrong.
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Well, as an American who happens to be black, I find the absurd assumption that it is too challenging to ask blacks to find their way to the DMV to acquire a photo ID extremely insulting and offensive. Showing a photo ID is a reasonable common sense solution to combating rampant Democrat voter fraud. The GOP line should be the same for all Americans. If you want to vote, show a photo ID. Period.
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As Palin suggested in her speech, the GOP should be educating voters to the truth; explain why free market solutions are most beneficial to all Americans and the right thing to do.
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Allowing absurd evil liberal Democrat premises to gain momentum has dire consequences. Their lie that white cops routinely murder blacks led to the assassination of two NYPD officers. White privilege is another Democrat made-up crisis.
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Talk about the bigotry of lowered expectations, the conferences suggest that black students should not be expected to be on time or work hard because neither concept are a part of their culture. Give me a break.
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His mission is to destroy America as founded from within; the Constitution, the law, Congress, the Senate and the American people be damned. Obama's strategy is to federalize as much of our land, economy and lives as possible, thus repealing as many of our freedoms as possible.
From the beginning, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party tried to warn America about Obama, only to be marginalized in the minds of many by the mainstream media. They branded Palin and the Tea Party stupid, crazy and a bunch of redneck racists hating on our first black president.
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As Palin has stated, in 2016 only a presidential candidate who inspires, pleasantly educates and boldly articulates Conservatism will do.

January 29, 2015
Sarah Palin is Right: Go on Offense, Tout Conservatism
By Lloyd Marcus
* * *

[From article]
On October 26, 2008, Palin had an interview with Jorge Ramos of Spanish-language network Univision. She was asked about amnesty: “So you support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?”
Her answer: “I do because I understand why people would want to be in America. To seek the safety and prosperity, the opportunities, the health that is here. It is so important that yes, people follow the rules so that people can be treated equally and fairly in this country.”
Sarah Palin supported amnesty…in so many words.
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Palin is no different from 1000 other politicians.
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Question: can you cite for me one novel or unusually insightful thing Palin has ever said?
Just one.
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Palin says nothing 1000 politicians haven’t said before her.
So I ask, what’s her true appeal, really?
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the process of elimination tells us where the greater appeal must lie.
It’s not Palin’s oratory, either. Oh, it’s not bad, but she’s no Reagan or Alan Keyes. The difference is what she is.
No one would be talking about Palin if she weren’t attractive and female.
[. . .]
The fact is that it’s impossible to not benefit from fairer-sex status in politics today; it even elevates your brand among conservatives, though it’s difficult convincing many conservatives they’re thus influenced. With many motivations being unconscious, it’s common for people to not be completely aware of what drives them. How many Americans voted for Obama in 2008 without fully grasping the degree to which electing “the first black president” and wanting to feel unbigoted and open-minded influenced them?

January 29, 2015
My Problem with Sarah Palin
By Selwyn Duke

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