December 31, 2010
The Husband Store
may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a
description of how the store operates:
You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value
of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may
choose any item from a particular
floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back
down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign
Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.
'That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.' So she continues upward. The
third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.
'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.She goes to the
fourth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and
Help With Housework. 'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!'
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help
with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak. She is so tempted to stay,
but she goes to the sixth floor,
where the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on
this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to
please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a
New Wives store just across the street for the men.
The first floor has wives that love sex.
The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and
like beer
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been
Get Better Usage From Technology
10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Technology
New York Times
Published: December 29, 2010
Politician's Thug Attacks Newsman
Friday, Dec. 31, 2010
Telegraph photographer attacked after news conference
Telegraph (Macon GA) writers
December 30, 2010
Mother, Daughter Charged With Abusing Male Minor
"Rachel Brock is accused of committing numerous sex acts with the teenage boy between February 2007 and August 2008, and sending him nude photos and a video of herself masturbating; none of the acts involved intercourse.
[. . .]
"You have a situation where you have a mother who's abusing a juvenile victim, seemingly unknowingly to the daughter, or vice versa, and the daughter is also abusing the same victim," Favazzo said. "I just can't imagine a mother and daughter having this conversation, and the investigators say they don't have anything indicating the two of them knew about it."
Daughter, wife of AZ official accused in sex case
Associated Press
Yahoo News
December 30, 2010
Police Take Gun From Civilian. Was it legal?
Armed, intoxicated Cambridge man forces evacuation of hospital
By Patrick Ball
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Dec 30, 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Major Abuses of Police Power, Priorities

Gaynor sits in Hampden Superior Court in
Springfield, Mass.
Handyman admits to killing at least 8 Mass. women
By Associated Press
Boston Herald
Sunday, December 12, 2010
FBI Dept. of Justice Abuses
This site describes many years of serious abuses by the FBI in New York and Boston, and also Department of Justice abuses. Not as if these abuses were not documented in books, but many young people have not and do not read books. They get their information online. Here are some facts that all Americans need to know for their own protections.
3 journalists show how they report FBI abuses

Massachusetts Vote Counters Reveal Their Priorities
The Boston FBI office arranged a frameup of four white men for murder. Two died in prison. Two were released after 30 years. The Department of Justice under the allegedly racist US Attorney General refuses to pay court ordered $101 million in damages using taxpayer money for the abuse of power. No FBI agent suffered any penalty for destroying the lives of four families.
One Boston FBI informant was indicted for 19 homicides. His handler alerted him to an arrest warrant. The informant remains a fugitive after 15 years. While running free before he left he compromised local police departments, state police and the FBI in Boston. Civilians are supposed to believe that since he left there is no organized crime in the state.
To prevent one unpopular person from enjoying The Right to Pursue Happiness local police conduct a relentless program of harassment, and character assassination. One element of this abuse is broadcasting the false profile that he is a retired drug dealer. This encourages local drug dealers in Massachusetts to associate with the alleged retired drug dealer. Then police arrest the misguided dealers, who are then told that the retired dealer was really a police informant. Two charming FBI informants did this to the same man for 35 years in three states. They are both delightful homosexuals protected by Harvard University. This is what passes for education using taxpayer grants in the great state of Massachusetts.
When the man complains about these abuses police use psychiatry to discredit him. What a wonderful one-party-Democratic-state.
Cambridge Police Tamper With Computers, US Mail
Bill Ayers, Government Official?
The Past Is Never Dead
Former radical Bill Ayers is snubbed for an honor after a Kennedy objects.
by Dirk Johnson
November 26, 2010
Charitable Liberals, Conservatives
"In 2005, Vice President Cheney gave 77 percent of his income to charity. He also shot a lawyer in the face, which I think should count for something."

Psychiatry Corrupts Criminal Justice System
"Damascena had no history of mental problems
Does that mean that if he did have a history of mental illness that would explain his crime and violence? How is that different from claiming that a Black man committed a crime and was violent because he is Black?
[. . .]
Ironically, just two months earlier, in commemoration of World Mental Health Day on October 10, the Health Department of the Federal University of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais had presented a week of programs about the dangers of extreme jealousy on its radio station. It was normal to feel jealousy, but only to acceptable limits, said the department’s Professor Rodrigo Nicolato.
One program of the psychiatric industry to increase its client base is to make expression of human emotions into mental illnesses. Psychiatrists (and women) know that few men are aware of their emotions. Psychiatrists and women use emotions to manipulate men. Psychiatry uses their knowledge of emotions to control humans and to manufacture mental illnesses for profit. Women use emotions only for control.
[. . .]
An excessive preoccupation about being cheated on could indicate a psychiatric problem, Professor Nicolato added, and it was important to pay attention to signs of excessive jealousy. “There are possibilities that a psychotic episode could happen because of jealousy,” Professor Nicolato explained. “The jealous can experience a neurotic conflict. There are situations in which any attitude could be perceived as a clear sign of treachery.” This could provoke a "psychological shock."
Jealousy is a human emotion. How can it be evil, wrong to express an emotion? The Catholic Church recognizes human emotions but psychiatrists criminalize them.
[. . .]
In the absence of any other explanation, this is the motive that police are working to confirm. “Relatives report that he was jealous of her. We don’t know if this was something in his mind or not. [. . .]” Officer Joselito Amaral told The Daily Beast. “What the family and everyone else has said is that there were no psychological problems.”
For police jealousy is motive. But psychiatry makes motive into illness for business purposes. This corrupts the criminal justice system and dehumanizes people.
Brazil's Wedding Massacre
by Dom Phillips
Daily Beast
December 28, 2010
December 29, 2010
Cuomo Makes Change in Form Over Substance
Cuomo moves annual speech out of legislative chamber
New York Post correspondent
Last Updated: 10:40 AM, December 29, 2010
Posted: 10:37 AM, December 29, 2010
Canine Politics
I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head,
Holy S**t,
my dog is a Democrat.
[Attributed to Jen Perillo]
Court Shows It Is Misguided
[From article]
"The SJC decision does not say if snow and ice has to be removed during the storm or after it is over, an omission Mr. Bassett found interesting. The justices said they would wait for a case when someone is hurt during a storm to decide that issue,"
Court shifts liability
December 29, 2010
scroteau (at)
December 28, 2010
Return of Death Panels, Ignoring Will of People
"The office of Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a Democrat from Oregon who supports the HHS decision, sent an e-mail apprising advocates of the new rule, yet warning them "not to broadcast this accomplishment out to any of your lists, even if they are 'supporters' -- e-mails can too easily be forwarded."
Ah, yes, the danger of public information: It might crimp the work of Sebelius.
[. . .]
The administration has progressivism's taste for rule by self-appointed experts,
[. . .]
All of this is deeply corrosive of self-government. From "We the people . . . " to "the secretary may . . . " is a triumph of bureaucracy over republicanism."
Here come 'death panels'
Bureaucrats trumping our democracy
Rich Lowry
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:26 AM, December 28, 2010
Posted: 11:17 PM, December 27, 2010
FBI Non Essential, Get 2nd Snow Day
the FBI.
Feds pull another snow job
New York Post
Last Updated: 2:39 AM, December 28, 2010
Posted: 2:05 AM, December 28, 2010
Failure to Recognize Importance of Two-parent Families
[From article]
"a collaborative effort among the Police Department, Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge Public Schools, and the Department of Human Services. It is founded on the principle that in order to meet the needs of at-risk youth there needs to be ongoing collaboration between families and the agencies that support the city’s youth."
[link to article embedded]
Cambridge Police commissioner, Harvard professor write article on at-risk youth
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Dec 28, 2010 @ 12:47 PM
Return of Death Panels, Ignoring Will of People
"Bills passed too fast for anyone to read them are blatant examples of these end runs. But last week, another of these end runs appeared in a different institution when the medical "end of life consultations" rejected by Congress were quietly enacted through bureaucratic fiat by administrators of Medicare."

Thomas Sowell
Political End Runs
December 28, 2010
Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall Unions Power
The power of unions: Average stagehand at Lincoln Center in NYC makes $290K a year
By: Mark Hemingway
Washington Examiner
12/27/10 11:16 AM
Feds Want To Watch You at Malls, Hotels
Napolitano Announces Expansion of Gestapo Zones from Airports to Malls and Hotels
Kurt Nimmo
December 27, 2010
Parolee Shoots Policeman Dead, No One Was Watching
[From article]
"In May 1986, Dominic Cinelli pleaded guilty to five armed robberies in Suffolk Superior Court and was sentenced to 25 years in prison, but cut his wrists in a holding cell and was rushed to Massachusetts General Hospital, where he used a toy gun to disarm a Suffolk County deputy, then used the deputy’s gun to steal a 1981 Ford station wagon — all while still wearing leg irons, newspaper accounts show.
He was on the run for about 10 days before he was caught at the Corner Cafe in the North End listening to a police scanner with a .32 caliber revolver in his pocket, news accounts state.
He was eventually put back in prison, where he was serving three life sentences, when in 2005, a state appeals court ruled that he should be eligible for parole, according to a record of his parole hearing. After four years, the Parole Board released him, and he walked in February 2009, state records show."
Shooting, heists were already on con’s rap sheet
By O’Ryan Johnson
Boston Herald
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Cambridge World Class City?
Letter: Redevelopment of Faces disco offers opportunity
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Dec 25, 2010 @ 04:53 PM
December 27, 2010
Stapler Awards 2010
"The Type No Evil Award
To Goldman Sachs, for decreeing in July that employees could no longer send e-mails containing profanity. Some confusion followed about exactly which words were verboten, according to the Wall Street Journal; in observance of the policy, the firm declined to put them in writing."
The fifth annual golden stapler awards
Honoring the good, the bad and the silly in workplace achievement
New York Post
Last Updated: 9:12 AM, December 27, 2010
Posted: 11:05 PM, December 26, 2010
Psychiatry is a Court Business
[From article]
Judge Kenneth Castel ordered Heller examined by two shrinks, with the feds paying for one and Heller -- who allegedly evaded more than $2 million in income taxes on his Swiss account between 2006 and 2008 -- paying for the other.
Defense lawyer Marc Agnifilo, who asked for the hearing, cited Heller's "strongly held and apparently sincere belief that both his telephonic and in-person communications . . . are being monitored and tape recorded by other individuals."
Court's 'nut' case
Judge orders psych test for notorious ex-att'y
New York Post
Last Updated: 6:31 PM, December 27, 2010
Posted: 12:21 AM, December 27, 2010
December 26, 2010
Unbroken: Two Book Reviews
'It can't get any worse than this'
For Louie Zamperini, it could — and did. But he always survived
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:50 PM, December 25, 2010
Posted: 10:38 PM, December 25, 2010
* * *
Comedian Replaces Edward Murrow as Top Newsman
the comedian seriously and the politician as a joke,
everything changes."

Jon Stewart, left, spoke with 9/11 first responders
about their health problems on “The Daily Show” on
Dec. 16, 2010.
In ‘Daily Show’ Role on 9/11 Bill, Echoes of Murrow
New York Times
Published: December 26, 2010
Psychiatric Control Extends to Courts
[From article]
"Slip and fall in a New York prison, or suffer abuse by its guards, and inmates can keep whatever they win in court. But for patients in state-run mental hospitals — people too ill to live on their own and too poor to pay for their care — the state can drain court-awarded damages, effectively deducting the cost of their stays in the very hospitals that failed or abused them.
“It’s a Catch-22, isn’t it?” said Leo G. Finucane, the lawyer who represented Mr. Langevin. “I need to go to this facility because I’m sick. But if they hurt me worse, they’re immune.”
Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo’s office, which handles these kinds of cases for New York State, declined repeated requests to discuss the matter."
Hospitals Send Bill if Mental Patients Win Suits
New York Times
Published: December 24, 2010
Calabrian Crime Moving Into Switzerland
"Ducry claimed that two financial companies -- PP Finance and World Financial Services -- were controlled by members of organised crime outfits.
"They gathered money that they had stolen in part from their clients by driving the two companies into bankruptcy. They then hid a part of this money and bought land in Sardinia.
[. . .]
Stephanie Oesch, author of the book "Organised Crime, A Threat for the Swiss Financial Centre?", estimates that the Italian mafia have laundered "between 20 to 30 billion Swiss francs" (20.8 to 31.2 billion US dollars) in the past five years in Switzerland through investments in restaurants, property, art or luxury."
Italian mafia spreads in Switzerland
Dec 26 04:51 AM US/Eastern
DEA Is Now Global Spy Agency
"Leaders of Mexico’s beleaguered military issued private pleas for closer collaboration with the drug agency, confessing that they had little faith in their own country’s police forces.
How is this different from American police? Mexico can't hide their corruption as American journalists willingly do.
[. . .]
In Venezuela, the local intelligence service turned the tables on the D.E.A., infiltrating its operations, sabotaging equipment and hiring a computer hacker to intercept American Embassy e-mails, the cables report.
Again what's the difference in America? Organized crime controls many cities and state goeverments with major influence in US Agencies and elected offices. Is the issue that the US crime families do not control all drug and money laundering operations?
[. . .]
The D.E.A. faced even more intense pressure last year from Panama, whose right-leaning president, Ricardo Martinelli, demanded that the agency allow him to use its wiretapping program — known as Matador — to spy on leftist political enemies he believed were plotting to kill him.
Does this suggest that US agencies do not abuse their powers for political purposes using telephone companies and landlords to watch their targets' private lives? Instead of using the illegal product in courts FBI criminals forward it to friendly FBI informant journalists.
[. . .]
Mr. Martinelli threatened to expel the drug agency from the country altogether, saying other countries, like Israel, would be happy to comply with his intelligence requests. Or some other country's spies?
[. . .]
Created in 1973, the D.E.A. has steadily built its international turf, an expansion primarily driven by the multinational nature of the drug trade, but also by forces within the agency seeking a larger mandate. Since the 2001 terrorist attacks, the agency’s leaders have cited what they describe as an expanding nexus between drugs and terrorism in further building its overseas presence. If this is the justification why does the DEA refuse to help other countries in their fight against "terrorism?" Is terror the good that justifies all abuses of police powers within the US aganst civilian citizens too?
[. . .]
Both men were charged with agreeing to illegal arms sales to informants posing as weapons buyers for Colombian rebels. Notably, neither man was charged with violating narcotics laws.
CBS News broadcast the arrest on its 60 Minutes show. No journalist asked the question why the DEA was focused on arms trafficking. Is Interpol as corrupt as the FBI?
[. . .]
Top-to-bottom corruption in many West African countries made it hard for diplomats to know whom to trust.
Do Americans know who to trust or are they as clueless about the corruption of US law enforcement?
Cables Portray Expanded Reach of Drug Agency
New York Times
Published: December 25, 2010
December 25, 2010
Crash: Film Review
Plot Summary for
Crash (2004)
Several stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles involving a collection of inter-related characters, a police detective with a drugged out mother and a thieving younger brother, two car thieves who are constantly theorizing on society and race, the white district attorney and his irritated and pampered wife, a racist white veteran cop (caring for a sick father at home) who disgusts his more idealistic younger partner, a successful Hollywood director and his wife who must deal with the racist cop, a Persian-immigrant father who buys a gun to protect his shop, a Hispanic locksmith and his young daughter who is afraid of bullets, and more.
Written by Martin Lewison
Palin and Contemporary Culture
Star Power: Palin Takes Hollywood … And the Culture
by Dr. Gina Loudon
December 25, 2010
TSA Actions Show Fragility of Freedom
Woman arrested at ABIA after refusing enhanced pat down
Click here for a free download of the latest Adobe Flash Player.
by JIM BERGAMO / KVUE News (Austin TX)
Posted on December 22, 2010 at 9:38 PM
Dumbing Down Continues
Holidays bring out the worst in some

Boston Herald
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Police Ignore Wealthy Criminals
[From article]
"In 1983, Busch, then a 20-year-old University of Arizona student, left a bar with a 22-year-old woman who died a short time later after he crashed his Corvette.
Police found Busch at his home six hours later, claiming he had suffered amnesia. After a seven-month investigation, Arizona authorities decided not to press charges.
In 1985, he was charged with assault after a high-speed chase that ended when St. Louis police shot a tire of Busch's Mercedes. He was acquitted when the case went to trial."
Beer heir O.D. shock
Girlfriend found dead in mansion
New York Post
With Post Wire Services
Last Updated: 3:30 AM, December 25, 2010
Posted: 1:30 AM, December 25, 2010
* * *
[From article]
"The body of Adrienne Martin, a divorced former Hooters waitress, was found at about 12:30 p.m. last Sunday on the estate of August Busch IV in Huntleigh, Mo., but it wasn't until 1:12 that cops in neighboring Frontenac received a call describing her as "unresponsive,"
Busch gal 40-min. mystery
New York Post
With Post Wire Services
Last Updated: 3:25 AM, December 26, 2010
Posted: 12:18 AM, December 26, 2010
AP Panders for Drug Industry
[From article]
"Moss told police he suffers a chemical imbalance that made him delusional and think he owned the home."
Conn. renter shocks homeowner by selling his stuff
The Associated Press
Washington Post
Friday, December 24, 2010; 12:29 PM
Mayor Bloomberg Helps the Wealthy
Mike defends city's mosque help
New York Post
Last Updated: 3:24 AM, December 25, 2010
Posted: 12:26 AM, December 25, 2010
Armenian Mob Godfather Held
[From article]
"A reputed godfather in the Armenian mob won't be going home for the holidays."
'Mobster' denied bail
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:56 AM, December 24, 2010
Posted: 1:36 AM, December 24, 2010
NY Gov Commutes Light Sentence of Racial Killer
[From article]
"The father would later testify that the confrontation had been frighteningly similar to stories he had heard of Southern lynch mobs."
Gov's yule gift to jailed LI dad
Commutes sentence in fatal 2006 'race' standoff
New York Post
Last Updated: 11:45 AM, December 24, 2010
Posted: 12:57 AM, December 24, 2010
Pill To Inhibit Sexual Desires Now Available
[From article]
"The drug, nalmefene from H. Lundbeck A/S in Valby, Denmark, blocks brain signals that make activities such as sex and drinking feel good."
Alcoholics May Stop at One Drink With Help From Lundbeck Anti-Abuse Drug
By Frances Schwartzkopff -
Dec 23, 2010 11:24 AM ET
NYC Mayor Helps GZ Mosque
""The mayor was touting, ironically, government not being involved in religion, and here you have the mayor's staffer assisting in a public-relations campaign on behalf of a mosque and Islamic center," said Debra Burlingame, whose brother was a pilot of one of the hijacked planes on 9/11.
"I think this is highly improper."
City Hall ghostwrote GZ mosque's letter
New York Post
Last Updated: 11:45 AM, December 24, 2010
Posted: 12:38 AM, December 24, 2010
December 23, 2010
Anti-Israel ads
Anti-Israel ads fuel controversy in Seattle
Dec 23 2010 08:55 AM US/Eastern
TSA Takes Pilot's Gun and Permit
Sacramento-area pilot punished for YouTube video
George Warren
News10 Sacremento CA
Posted: 12/22/2010
Brown Abandons Republican Party
Robert Pozen could give Brown run for his money
By Joe Battenfeld
Boston Herald
Thursday, December 23, 2010
MA DA Shows Bigotry
Brit pleads guilty in grandma slay
By O’Ryan Johnson
Boston Herald
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sowell on Intelligence, Pundits
"Let's face it, most of us are not half as smart as we may sometimes think we are-- and for intellectuals, not one-tenth as smart.
[. . .]
Neither the Bible, the Torah nor the Koran mentions Christmas trees. Yet some secular zealots try to ban Christmas trees on government property, based on the doctrine of "separation of church and state"-- a doctrine found nowhere in the Constitution.
More disturbing than any of the issues of our time are the many people who debate those issues as contests in talking points, rather than as attempts to get at the truth. Too many people debate as if the point is to show who is smarter, rather than which conclusion is correct."
Jewish World Review
Dec. 21, 2010 / 15 Teves, 5771
Random thoughts
By Thomas Sowell
Muslims Killing Christians
"Christian girls aged 12 to 16 are being kidnapped, forced to marry Muslim men and convert to the religion of their "husbands," she told me.
[. . .]
Turkey's top bishop, Luigi Padovese, was assassinated as the report was issued in June. According to the Turkish press, the man who stabbed him to death yelled "Allahu Akbar!"
Crucifying the copts
Mideast Christians under siege
Benny Avni
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:41 AM, December 23, 2010
Posted: 10:35 PM, December 22, 2010
Laughing Stops Bank Robbery
"The teller thought it was a joke and started laughing. The perp repeated, "Give me all your large bills" -- but she still refused."
Teller has last laugh on robber
New York Post
Last Updated: 7:44 AM, December 22, 2010
Posted: 2:26 AM, December 22, 2010
Thug Robs, Shoots Brooklyn Man Dead
"Family members said Shamray cherished his job and had trouble finding work because he was a paranoid schizophrenic and had been taking medication for his condition."
Dad's dying call
Kin hear torment over phone after shooting
New York Post
Last Updated: 6:55 AM, December 22, 2010
Posted: 2:22 AM, December 22, 2010
UN mucked up-Michael Goodwin, NYPost, Dec 22 2010
Isn't that repetitive?
No Fool Like an Old Fool
"Cher Thompson, 29, admitted she seduced a seriously disabled 64-year-old Bronx nursing-home resident and convinced him to marry her -- then cheated on him with an ailing 90-year-old West Village widower -- while looting their bank accounts out of a total of $200,000."
Two-timing geezer fleecer jailed
New York Post
Last Updated: 7:44 AM, December 22, 2010
Posted: 2:47 AM, December 22, 2010
NY Gov Uses Campaign Funds for Defense Lawyers
"While good-government groups have denounced the widespread use of campaign funds to pay lawyers defending politicians against charges of criminal and ethics violations, they're especially outraged that Paterson was expected to use the account to pay off a fine imposed for breaking state law and lying about it.
[. . .]
Paterson has run up nearly $1 million in legal fees fighting off three different ethics and criminal investigations, hiring prominent defense lawyer Theodore Wells, who sources close to the governor say is being paid about $1,000 an hour."
Gov. Paterson running out of campaign funds to pay legal bills and ethics fine
New York Post
Last Updated: 6:28 AM, December 22, 2010
Posted: 2:52 AM, December 22, 2010
Kitty Werthmann
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson
After America , There is No Place to Go"
By: Kitty Werthmann
What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or will ever read in history books.
I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide - 98% of the vote... I've never read that in any American publications. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.
In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.
Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need. Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people - about 30 daily.
The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other. Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna , Linz , and Graz were destroyed. The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted.
We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany , where Hitler had been in power since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria ... We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.
We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed.
After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service.
Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home. An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.
Hitler Targets Education - Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children:
Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools. The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my school room to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," and had physical education.
Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time. The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had.
My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun - no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home. I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler. It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.
Equal Rights Hits Home:
In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved to death. Women who stayed home to raise their families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.
Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and participated in the signal corps. After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat. Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:
When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had.
Health Care and Small Business Suffer Under Government Controls:
Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and immigrated to other countries.
As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.
We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners. Then they said he h ad to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.
We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, and then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.
"Mercy Killing" Redefined:
In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps . The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work. I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write. The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.
As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia.
The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Next came gun registration... People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away. We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.
Totalitarianism didn't come quickly; it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria ... Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism. Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.
After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria . Women were raped, preteen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either. When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process. They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it The Burned Earth. Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized, those who couldn’t paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians.
This is an eye witness account. It's true...those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.
America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World.
Don't Let Freedom Slip Away!
"After America , There is No Place to Go"
December 22, 2010
Lawyer Uses Psychiatry Trying to Avoid Criminal Liability
Family rages at psycho garroter of Pace honors student
New York Post
Last Updated: 3:15 PM, December 22, 2010
Posted: 1:12 PM, December 22, 2010
FCC Wants to Censor Internet
"The panel will devise convoluted rules governing Internet service providers, bandwidth use, content, prices and even disclosure details on Internet speeds. The "neutrality" is brazenly undermined by preferential treatment toward wireless broadband networks.
Moreover, the FCC's scheme is widely opposed by Congress -- and has already been rejected once in the courts. Industry critics have warned that the regulations will stifle innovation and result in less access, not more."
'Net neutrality': ObamaCare for the Web
Michelle Malkin
New York Post
Last Updated: 4:51 AM, December 22, 2010
Posted: 10:17 PM, December 21, 2010
Carcinogen in 31 of 35 Cities Water
"An analysis of 35 U.S. cities' tap water has found that 31 one of these water sources contain exceedingly high levels of hexavalent chromium, a known carcinogen.The study is the first of its kind ever to be released to the public and comes, fortuitously, as the EPA is deciding whether to set safe drinking standards for hexavalent chromium in our tap water."
Carcinogen Found in Many Cities' Tap Water
by Michael Ricciardi
By Planetsave at Planetsave
Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:14pm EST
Paterson's Moral Problems Increase
"The Public Integrity Commission, the state's top ethics watchdog, yesterday made official what has long been known inside the Capitol -- that Gov. Paterson is an incorrigible liar whose words, under scrutiny, rarely hold up.
[. . .]
"The moral and ethical tone of any organization is set at the top," said Commission Chairman Michael Cherkasky,
[. . .]
Paterson's brief tenure as chief executive brought the ethical standards of an already disreputable state government to an all-time low."
Here 'lies' Paterson's legacy
Frederic U. Dicker
New York Post
Last Updated: 6:06 AM, December 21, 2010
Posted: 1:30 AM, December 21, 2010
Mexican Thieves Steal Oil Cause Fire
"Pemex has struggled with chronic theft, losing as much as 10 percent of all of its product.
Criminals tap remote pipelines, sometimes building pipelines of their own, to siphon off hundreds of millions of dollars worth of oil each year, Pemex has said."
'Rivers of fire'
Dozens die as Mex oil thieves spark blast
New York Post
Last Updated: 9:12 AM, December 20, 2010
Posted: 3:30 AM, December 20, 2010
Censorship at Syracuse Law School
"The source of all the trouble is a fake news blog called SUCOLitis. It's like The Onion, but it focuses on making fun of life in law school. In one post, the "Faculty Committee on Aesthetic Standards" names the Class of 2013 "Most Attractive in History." In another, a beer bong is elected class president.
Harassment? Far from it. Very far, under any meaningful definition."
Law school gagging speech
New York Post
Last Updated: 4:19 AM, December 20, 2010
Posted: 10:05 PM, December 19, 2010
Palin Dolls for Christmas
December 22, 2010
A Sarah Palin Christmas
By Stuart Schwartz
American Thinker
Elite Help The Elite
"Because Partilla has spent years in the advertising business, and Ridell was a well-known Manhattan TV personality, Ennis said it was easy for them to pitch the idea for a Times story to yet another well-connected parent at their kids' school -- New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller: "You have a bunch of insiders doing one another a favor."
Ex-Husband of NYT 'Vows' Bride Carol Anne Ridell Tells His Side

Bugs Found in City Clerks Office
Who would want to bug Charlotte's Town Offices?
By Joel Banner Baird
Free Press Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Boston Police Shield
Credit Kimberly Ashton
Government Priorities: Technology Over Housing
SJC cites homeless plight in sex offender’s GPS case
By Martin Finucane
Boston Globe Staff
December 22, 2010
Boston Cop Under Scrutiny Retires
Boston detective retires amid investigation
By O’Ryan Johnson
Boston Herald
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Put a little service into your life.
I became confused when I heard the word 'service' used with these agencies.
Revenue 'Service'
Postal 'Service'
Telephone 'Service'
Cable TV 'Service'
Civil 'Service'
City, State & Public 'Service'
Customer 'Service'
This is not what I thought 'service' meant.
But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he had hired a bull to 'service' his cows.
BAM!!! It all came into focus. Now I understand what all those agencies are doing to us.
December 21, 2010
So. Poverty Law Center Not So Much Poverty
Mainstream Media: The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Partner in Slime
Posted by Izzy Lyman
Dec 20th 2010 at 1:15 pm
December 20, 2010
Accessible on Paper Only
[. . .]
"The woman in the booth looked at my chair and said, 'If you can get upstairs, then you can go."
Woman suing LI movie theater for not being wheelchair accessible
'Disabled' suit vs. theater
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:09 AM, December 20, 2010
Posted: 2:50 AM, December 20, 2010
Increased Mental Illness, Increased Profits
Why Are All Our College Kids Going Crazy?
Hamilton Nolan
Hamilton (at)
December 20, 2010
Yeshiva Students Harass Black Bus Driver
Yeshiva Students "Praise KKK" While Harassing Bus Driver
Jaya Saxena
December 18, 2010
Did Psychiatric Drugs Kill Another Young Woman?
"Shocked friends of a vivacious young bank analyst who jumped to her death from Trump Place remembered her yesterday as a devoted do-gooder who "had it all."
[. . .]
She had been taking medication for depression, police sources said.
Friends' shock over Citigroup gal's suicide
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:58 AM, December 20, 2010
Posted: 3:21 AM, December 20, 2010
NYPD Beat Woman Over Another's Dog Poop
This Is What You Get for Picking Up Another Dog's Poop?
John Del Signore
December 8, 2010
Government Increasess Spying on Civilians
Govt 'creating vast domestic snooping machine'
Dec 20 2010 07:27 AM
December 19, 2010
Black Candidate Wants Exclusive Affirmative Action for Blacks Only
[From article]
"The word 'minority,' from our standpoint, should mean 'African-American,'" Meeks said Wednesday on WVON-AM 1690. "I don't think women, Asians and Hispanics should be able to use that title."
Meeks tries to backtrack on 'minority' comment
John Byrne
Chicago Breaking News
December 17, 2010 6:50 AM
It's Academic to Politicians
"we are represented by people who do not have the courage to stand up for what is right and what is justice,” he wrote. “They, in fact, do not take the time to ask their constituents what they want and believe.”
[. . .]
Certainly the legislature is disconnected from the citizens.”
Death penalty debate shakes Connecticut
New York Post
Last Updated: 1:10 AM, December 19, 2010
Posted: 11:41 PM, December 18, 2010
How Politicians Think
"The root driver of exploding costs is legislators’ willingness to make unsustainable promises to be paid by future taxpayers — a proclivity as fundamental to a legislator’s brain as the will to breathe is to yours or mine.
The only way to protect New York taxpayers is to make it impossible for the legislature to give away the farm."
Public vs. private retirements
Government workers get better deals -- paid for by taxpayers
New York Post
Last Updated: 5:14 AM, December 19, 2010
Posted: 11:49 PM, December 18, 2010