December 18, 2010

Columbia University Exploits Eminent Domain

[From article]
"The fat cats don't need the protection of property rights, because they already control the political system. It's the little guy (or gal), the one without political juice, who needs strong property rights for protection from the fat cats and the politicians they control.
[. . .]
the more power you give to politicians and their cronies, the less incentive people have to try to succeed through hard work. What's the point, if you're at the mercy of the cronies?
[. . .]
The courts are supposed to be there to protect the rest: The people without the connections, the ones who depend on the rule of law to keep the predators away."

Columbia U. vs. the little guy
New York Post
Last Updated: 1:45 AM, December 17, 2010
Posted: 10:18 PM, December 16, 2010

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