June 30, 2015

Sending History Down The Memory Hole

[From article]
But if we are going to take the Confederate flag down because it no longer represents us, then there is no reason why we shouldn’t take the American flag down, too. Not just from the government buildings in South Carolina, but from every home, ship, office, and church throughout the entire American territory. Because neither flag has anything to do with who we are anymore. Old Glory is now just as much a meaningless relic as the republic that created it -- as obsolete as the Stars and Bars became in April of 1865.
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The borders that give us identities are dissolving, just as the histories that stabilize us as a people have been rejected.
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The Southern states whose leaders and symbols are now roundly despised seceded from the still fledgling American nation-state not one hundred years after its birth. But those Southern states had more in common with the North than any of us have in common with one another now.
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If we really want to be honest with ourselves, we will display other symbols in our public squares. Down with the Confederate flag, symbol of a once-proud patrimony and reminder, too, of the suffering of so many who worked thanklessly to sustain it and died to defend it. Down with the American flag, too, symbol of oppression and injustice to those who live in the highest level of material comfort ever achieved by mankind. A white flag of cultural surrender might be better, a kind of semaphore to our enemies to invade and take over. But it would also be redundant. Our enemies already know of our surrender, and they are long since living among us,
[. . .]
If the argument is that no one identifies as a Confederate anymore, then the counter-argument must be that no one could possibly identify as an American. What was glorious about us is just as dead as Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln alike. The invaders and anarchists who run wild in our streets are now in control, and they have made it clear that whatever the United States of America used to be -- whatever its citizens once held dear, which in turn held them together -- is worthy only of contempt.


June 29, 2015
Dissolving America
By Jason Morgan

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