June 30, 2015

Extremist Leftists Do Not Want Racial Healing. All About Job Security

Booker T. Washington Lived 1856-1915

People are still doing the same dumb things as they did 5,000 years ago.

[From article]
Folks, our president actually said racism is in our DNA and is passed on from generation to generation.
Dude, you're a black man whom white folks -- because blacks are only 12% of the population -- made leader of the free world two times. Stop it with the “blacks are victims” nonsense. Millennial blacks have never or rarely experience bona-fide racism. So why are Obama and his fellow Leftists hell-bent on instilling racial paranoia and resentment against whites in millennial blacks?
[. . .]
The Left has been demonizing white males with impunity for years. In 2009, a NY Times article proclaimed “white men are evil”. “White Privilege” is included in public school curriculum, teaching white kids to feel guilty. The Left's assault on all things white has to have sparked resentments. Even a passive dog will turn and bite if kicked enough.
There is also no question that the Left's continuous drumbeat that all opposition to Obama is racist, that cops routinely murder blacks and that America has racism in its DNA has effected blacks.
[. . .]
The Knockout Game and Polar Bear Hunting are individual black youths blindsiding whites including the elderly and women in public places; punching their unsuspecting targets with all their might in hope of knocking them out with one punch. Then, these black attackers proudly post video of their successful knockouts on YouTube for their fans.
Before Ferguson and Baltimore, across America flash mobs of black youths were assaulting whites and looting at county fairs and malls. Again, under-reported by the mainstream Leftist media.
[. . .]
the last thing the Left wants is racial healing.


June 27, 2015
The Last Thing the Left Wants is Racial Healing
By Lloyd Marcus

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