February 24, 2012

MBTA Moves Public Meeting to Smaller Room

Clearly Heather Hoffman does not understand Newspeak. When the government says something it means the opposite. The reason the MBTA meeting was moved is that in the Sullivan Chamber the seats are uncomfortable intentionally so that only dedicated zealots will remain to listen and to speak. Perish the thought of televising public meetings, the City Manager would never allow that unless it is required by state law.

Heather Hoffman comments: "Maybe I'm missing something, but I believe the Sullivan Chamber does not hold more people than the Senior Center, so how is this an improvement? It might be defensible if there were plans to televise and web-stream the hearing, but that isn't mentioned here."


MBTA public meeting relocated to Cambridge City Hall
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Feb 23, 2012 @ 02:42 PM

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