February 24, 2012

Boston Phoenix Shows Bigotry

Finally Massachusetts has a statewide elected official with a disability. Who knew, US Senator Scott Brown was a "crazy person?" The Boston Phoenix exposed this closeted official with a disability. Will Sen. Brown serve as a role model for persons with disabilities everywhere? Will Emily Rooney still invite him on her show knowing he has a disability? Or will he be demonized as the Phoenix does because of his disability? Where else was it written that a person with a disability should be ignored? Who else does not listen to persons with disabilities because of the disability? Is this why police like to harass such persons? No one listens to them. Phoenix editors show their bigotry toward all persons accused of mental illness by using an allegation of disability to discredit the US Senator. It also shows that the editors have no tolerance for differing opinions on policy issues. If a person disagrees with their view, then he or she is mentally ill, wrong, stupid, evil and usually a racist too. Why limit the personal attack toward the Senator alleging disability? Isn't this also racist, homophobic, anti immigrant, and Islamophobic too?


Scott Brown, Crazy Person
The senator joins the Republican cult against birth control
February 23, 2012

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