February 23, 2012

Eagan and Bishop Show Bigotry

Eagan continues irrational stereotyping of persons with disabilities. She equates violence with mental illness as if there was a causal connection. Why are so many journalists and radio talk show hosts with a history of mental illness not institutionalized? The answer to the good Bishop's query about why the violent man was not institutionalized is that it is contrary to law to hold someone without committing a crime. Having a history of mental illness is a status. It is like being black, being a homosexual, being a woman, an illegal alien, a Muslim. Should all of the above-mentioned groups be institutionalized? The US Constitution is why. Depriving a person of freedom without Due Process is the law of the land, the same law that allows same sex marriage. Only in Cambridge and at Harvard do police and campus criminals attack and harass persons due to their fears and for allegations. Under law one must commit a crime to lose one's freedom. In Cambridge police keep unpopular persons under 24/7 surveillance, harassment, provocation, threats, ridicule, character assassination and humiliation without any legal basis allowing such abuse and denial of rights. It is what Eagan and the Bishop would prefer. Why not limit the description of the suspect to having a history of violence? What is the connection to the history of mental illness? Mental illnesses are created from personal opinion not law. Eagan and the Bishop indicate they are bigots toward persons with disabilities slurring all persons accused of mental illness. Are all homosexuals and priests pedophiles? Are all black persons psychopaths? Are all women lying, cheating abusive criminals? Are all Muslims terrorists? All illegal aliens violent felons? All journalists mercenary deceivers?

[From article]
"Miller was afraid of Nguyen, or that he had a history of mental illness and violence dating back to childhood."
[. . .]
“One would wonder why this young man was walking the streets, if it’s known very well he’s unstable, that he’s known for violent acts,” said Bishop A. Livingston Foxworth
[. . .]
“There’s so many people who should be institutionalized who are free to walk the same space as a loving woman
[. . .]


‘We are devastated’
Neighbor describes suspect as ‘creepy’ in granny slaying
By Margery Eagan
Boston Herald
Thursday, February 23, 2012

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