August 4, 2012

Busy Man Takes Time To Kidnap, Torture, Beat His Beloved

Here's a charming gentleman who took the time from his busy schedule to torture his beloved after kidnapping her and threatening to kill her family. No one was watching this public spirited citizen who drove freely between Brooklyn and Peekskill, New York. No police, no crime family, no Communists and no vigilant FBI informants. But alas in Cambridge MA due to lack of concern of spineless officials in the City and at Harvard University, they keep me under 24/7/365 surveillance. They disturb my sleep. They prevent me from obtaining relief from the District Attorney, from the state Attorney General, and the US Attorney; from criminal abuses, including but not limited to repeated violations of state firearms statute, state and US conspiracy statutes, state and US civil rights statutes, US Code radiation statute, all felonies. Every day a minimum of five felonies by a group of police, city and campus criminals who target me after 42 years of previous abuses. Character assassination is relentless, scaring people, and stirring up racial, religious, sexual gender and ethnic animosity. Taxpayer funded agencies whose missions are to prevent abuse of elder persons and persons with disabilities, work with the crime family abusers as the Boston office of the FBI worked with crime families. 40 murders over 20 years and a frame up of four white men for a murder the FBI knew they did not commit, did not stir up interest among the population of Cambridge, Harvard, Boston or other universities. Who said liberals are depraved?

Fiend’s lair of evil
Helpless gal pal maimed in this torture pad: cops
New York Post
Last Updated: 4:25 AM, August 4, 2012
Posted: 12:55 AM, August 4, 2012

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