July 10, 2012

Publishing Psychiatric Propaganda

In this brief news report at least four misguided beliefs about psychiatry are expressed. First is the screaming headline which describes a human being as a disease. It is a way of dehumanizing people, as when police call suspects dirt bags. Next is the mother's disbelief that her son could kill her husband, his father. Blaming it on a disease makes it OK, and excuses the actions of her son. She said, "If I believed anything other than mental illness caused this, I wouldn't lift a finger to help him." Contrary to pervasive beliefs there is no evidence that any mental illness causes violence or crime. The most tortured example of cognitive dissonance is from the judge saying, "I believe that the defendant was guilty of intentional murder," the judge said, "but I strongly believe that the defendant's actions on July 19, 2010 were the direct result of mental illness." If it is the direct result of mental illness then mental illness not the defendant, caused the violence. The final example of media distortion is the omission of whether the defendant was taking psychiatric drugs which are a known cause of violence and suicide. Drug company propaganda has journalists, judges, and the public confused so they ignore the fact that their drugs are causing death and destruction throughout the world.


Mom of schizophrenic asks for mercy -- even though son killed her husband
New York Post
Last Updated: 8:08 PM, July 10, 2012
Posted: 7:37 PM, July 10, 2012

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