July 26, 2012

Security Trumps Freedom Among Politicians

It is unsurprising that the Secretary of State of the Commonwealth denies access to the attendance of elected officials. Government employees believe that voters and taxpayers are to be kept under control. They do not believe that they have any obligation to explain how they spend taxpayer money. They get offended that taxpayers think they have any rights to know what the ruling class does. Considering the current state of appointed judges in this state it is unlikely that any state court judge would uphold the rights of voters and taxpayers to know what these political hacks do with taxpayer funds. How much longer will this state go without any attempt to clean up pervasive corruption? 20 homicides by an FBI informant. Killing innocent civilians and other FBI informants is now accepted as normal in Boston. A frame up of four white men by the Boston FBI; honorable local and state police getting slandered by government criminals. This is the government that the corrupt Massachusetts voters seem to want.


Secret safe! Galvin nixes parking fight
Decision sets off firestorm of public records outrage
Boston Herald
By Chris Cassidy
Thursday, July 26, 2012

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