July 20, 2012

NY Post Misguided Focus on Cause of Violence

NY Post editors ask, "How much pain will the mentally ill be allowed to inflict on New Yorkers?" Why not ask how much pain will normal people, NY-NJ Port Authority, politicians, Anthony Weiner, teachers' unions and lobbyists, be allowed to inflict on New Yorkers? What is the measure of violence per 100,000 of persons accused of mental illness versus normal suspects? It is a misguided priority for the Editors to focus on persons with disabilities. The primary culprits who merit scrutiny are the psychiatric industry which criminalizes mental illness which they arbitrarily define; and the drug industry which forces their toxic chemicals, a known cause of violence and suicide, on troubled, vulnerable persons. The misguided Editors of the Post show they are totally persuaded by drug and psychiatric media propaganda. The violence will only increase until the drug companies' chemicals are removed from the market.


When nuts wander free
New York Post
Last Updated: 10:59 PM, July 18, 2012
Posted: July 19, 2012

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