July 31, 2012

Many Journalists In Prison in Turkey

Sometimes I feel as if I live in a nation like Turkey. After every critical post on my blog someone from the local community in Cambridge MA that bastion of selective freedom comes to my residence and disturbs my sleep, threatens me, and harasses me. For about one week, a charming black woman employed by Harvard University's Communist community, and the city government is the latest in a long line of primary harassers. Last night she attacked me relentlessly for 2 hours when I tried to sleep. Intimidating a person in the free exercise of a constitutionally guaranteed right is a felony statute in Massachusetts. That law is selectively enforced; only if the victim of intimidation is black, homosexual or a woman. That is why over the years the sociopaths who harassed me were almost entirely homosexuals, black racists or women.

For many years these government thugs, mostly homosexuals employed young women as bait, expecting me to do who knows what to them. Lately the delightful thoughtful thugs use married women as bait. Am I supposed to have an affair with them so that the local police and FBI can stir up an attempt to have me killed? Unfortunately the current crime of choice seems to be husbands killing their estranged wives and their children, and the wife's new lover. As Star Kist Tuna says to unacceptable fish, "Sorry Charlie."

People at Harvard University, in Cambridge MA, as well as among the liberal elite media are in denial that black people can be racist, or that homosexuals can be abusive or intolerant, and the same for women. These three primary victim groups are always victims. They are always right. They are morally and intellectually superior to others. I am none of the above. My current personal criminal assailant/harasser, a black woman has two categories of protection. She joins crime families and other Communists who used high tech electrical weapons for 40 years in mostly three states. These experimental anti personnel weapons disable human thought and emotion. They can be used to disrupt computer transmissions and operations, and to disturb sleep. Psychiatrists promote them as a means of treatment! The kind of treatment employed by Mao during the cultural revolution, re-education; corrective thought improvement? They are also called directed energy weapons, less than lethal, or less lethal. Development of these devices are under a command of US Marines. Massachusetts has a state statute making possession of these weapons a felony. Mass General Laws Chapter 140, section 131 J. The US Code has another felony statute which carries a $2 million dollar fine for exposing humans to radiation. But since police and the FBI in Boston work with or for organized crime to target, to threaten and to provoke, unpopular persons that statute is not enforced.

The population of the United States is clueless and cares little about this abuse thanks to the propagandists who call themselves journalists. Noam Chomsky describes what they do as "Keeping the herd bewildered." This is typical of the most exalted young people and academics at Harvard University who are certain that they are aware of everything, and what they do not know is not worth knowing. When I complained about being harassed by young people and a woman I dated when I was in law school the local law enforcement community demanded of me, "Can you prove you are not mentally ill?" They appear to approve of harassing persons with disabilities and denying them protection from crime. That is a pervasive problem with police, FBI agents, and the criminals they work for.

So I am grateful that employees of Harvard University have not murdered me. A man with whom I went to law school told me "They can kill you." I am grateful that their campus police only arrested me twice. Local city police were paid for a thorough frame-up in 1990, after I complained about the woman and her husband who were harassing me. They made campaign contributions to local officials. The officials cooperated with them designating me disabled. Local criminals and Communists conduct a relentless campaign of character assassination, harassment which no decent person would believe.

I am grateful that the Harvard administrators only permit these criminals to try to cause me to have a heart attack or a stroke. I mean that's not at all attempted murder. It is police criminals showing their love for me. I am grateful be alive and hope that all of the sociopaths who stand by, and stood by, and allow, and allowed, this 42 years of criminal abuse to continue, enjoy the same government love that I lived through. And to those FBI criminals who used me to fight organized crime for 15 years, didn't compensate me, and then coordinated allowing the crime families to retaliate for 20 years, I offer a special tribute. God bless them one and all. I want to thank the people who made it possible for me to express my thoughts today. They are getting fewer as the years go by.


Turkey's Press Freedom Day: 95 Journalists Behind Bars
by BIA Media Monitoring Group
July 31, 2012 at 4:45 am

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