December 2, 2011

Employment Disability Discrimination Alleged at Harvard

The Cambridge Coalition of Victim Groups, i.e., homosexuals, women, Black Americans, illegal aliens, and Muslims lament criticism of their demands. They say persons with disabilities should be supportive of their successes. They demand support for their efforts but never, repeat never, show any support for persons with disabilities. Indeed they often participate in ridiculing, harassing and humiliating persons with disabilities. Local Black and homosexual Cambridge City Officials are the very worst. But some Harvard professors and the Boston FBI vie for second place. Most if not all of the taxpayer funded discrimination agencies in Massachusetts are controlled by the Big Three Victim Groups. All Boston HUD Fair Housing Office employees did not know the legal definition of disability. Secretary and Inspector General of HUD were unconcerned. For about the last 20 years MCAD consistently dismisses all complaints based on disability discrimination. Elder Services units refuse to investigate claims by persons with disabilities, openly violating discrimination laws. They harass disabled persons too. The courts support these abuses and participate in disability discrimination. Journalists join in, desiring to conform. The pattern used after the Holocaust, (private individuals hunted thousands of Nazi war criminals who were not prosecuted at Nuremberg) is recommended. Gather evidence and embarrass the officials who refuse to do their job. Hear all of the silence regarding this labor case at Harvard?

Students Protest for Disabled Harvard Yard Mail Center Worker
By Mercer R. Cook,
Published: Friday, December 02, 2011

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