July 24, 2011

Response to Terror in Norway as in USA Targets Freedom

One police official said on camera that Norway is a peaceful and open nation where the Prime Minster walks from his home to his office. He added that will end now. Just as in the USA the response to terror is to eliminate freedoms. Eventually there will be none left in the name of ending violence. Why is there so little recognition among police leadership that their mission is to protect freedom not to eliminate it?

[From article]
"Liberty, after all, is a relatively new experiment in humanity having been
around a scant 250 years of several thousand years of human history. In
fact dictatorship, autocracy, and tyranny are the norm."

July 15, 2011
The Soft Dictatorship
Robert Eugene Simmons, Jr.
The American thinker

* * *


Twin Attacks in Norway Leave At Least 91 Dead
By Leanna B. Ehrlich,
Published: Friday, July 22, 2011

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