July 26, 2011

Holder's Role in ATF Scandal Not Good

[From article]
"“How is it that the No. 2, 3, 4 at Justice all knew about this program, but the No. 1 didn’t?,” Mr. Issa said. “Is it because he said ‘don’t tell me’? Is it because they knew what they were doing is wrong, and they were protecting their boss? Or is it that Eric Holder is just so disconnected … ?
“Whichever it is — he knew and he’s lied to Congress, or he didn’t know, and he’s so detached that he wasn’t doing his job — that really probably is for the administration to make a decision on, sooner not later,” Mr. Issa said.


[Video embedded]
Issa: Obama admin intimidating witnesses in ATF gun probe
Stephen Dinan and Chuck Neubauer
The Washington Times
Updated: 8:12 a.m. on Tuesday, July 26, 2011

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