January 17, 2011

Irrational Editorial Laments Irrational Speech

This editorial shows bias, intolerance, arrogance, and especially exploitation of persons with disabilities. This propaganda piece says, "one need not be a practicing psychiatrist to see that the 22 year old is a disturbed individual." Is the Phoenix saying anyone can make psychiatric diagnoses? Journalists quote police, FBI agents, relatives, classmates and anyone who can speak. How reliable are these diagnoses of made up illnesses? For what real illness are privacy rights ignored as with persons accused of mental illness?

No industry exploits tragedy as venomously as the psychiatric industry and drug companies. In this incident, employing the Rahm Emanuel Doctrine, "Let no crisis go to waste," it was first the left wing hate monger censors accusing right wing political speech for the Arizona tragedy. Then came the mental health cartel. In third place is the anti gun lobbyists.

Phoenix says, "Gun worship [. . .] so deranged the national personality [that much] of the country have lost touch with reality." Is this a new mental illness? Gun worship causes delusions? What about pillow worship? How many more will die from unlawful use of dangerous pillows, which can be obtained with no waiting period?

Phoenix blames Arizona gun worshippers, for "a slide into a more rude and more crude form of civil society." Huh? Harvard Law Professors codified Affirmative Action which punishes people for doing no wrong; and rewards others for suffering no harm. How does that enrich civil society?

US Attorney General calls white people cowards. The President refers to "typical white persons." Unelected billionaire George Soros purchases public policy. If "intolerance and suspicion [are] growth industries] in [Arizona]," what are the race mongers in New York and Massachusetts? Criticism of politicians results in accusations of racism. How is that conducive to civil speech and participation?

More propaganda, the Phoenix says, "Reason suggests that Loughner is sick." If being irrational is a disease politicians and journalists need treatment. Who makes these statements up? They make no sense. Who decided whether being irrational is a requirement of speech; and that it is dangerous? The Phoenix tolerates only conformity. Stepping outside of leftist dogma published in the Phoenix is mental illness?


American psycho
And the American psychosis
Boston Phoenix
January 12, 2011

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