January 24, 2011

American Values Are Anti Government

[From article]
"The values, expressing the 18th century's preoccupation with defending liberty against government, are, Huntington said, "individualistic, democratic, egalitarian, and hence basically anti-government and anti-authority." The various values "unite in imposing limits on power and on the institutions of government. The essence of constitutionalism is the restraint of governmental power through fundamental law."
[. . .]
Opposition to power and suspicion of government as the most dangerous embodiment of power are the central themes of American political thought."
[. . .]
If men are bad, government should be weak lest men put it to bad uses. If men are well-intentioned and reasonable, strong government is not necessary to control them, so "government should be weak because men are good."


America: Sweet land of disharmony
George Will
New York Post
Last Updated: 1:26 AM, January 24, 2011
Posted: 10:18 PM, January 23, 2011

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