January 14, 2011

Obama Believes Labor Statistics. Yikes!

[From article]
""The trend is clear," the president said in a speech, because there had been 12 straight months of private job growth in which 1.3 million positions have been created amidst a declining unemployment rate.
"The pace of hiring has picked up," he added.
Well, actually, none of that is true -- although I really wish it were.
[. . .]
You would think he'd want to know why people are so damned upset. You'd think President Obama would like to get a clue.
Or, maybe, his advisers would like Mr. Obama to just keep telling fairy tales."


On jobs, President Clueless really doesn't get it
John Crudele
New York Post
Last Updated: 2:12 AM, January 11, 2011
Posted: 11:44 PM, January 10, 2011

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