January 19, 2011

New Arab Street Technology Savvy

[From article]
"Is the "Arab street" back as a political force? The question is inspired by Tunisia's "Jasmine Revolution," which ended one of the most enduring dictatorships in the so-called Arab world.

The tenacity of the Tunis "street" was the key factor in dividing the ruling elite, disheartening its ardent members and encouraging those who wanted to take the money and run into exile.
[. . .]
The old "Arab street" carried clubs, daggers and chains. The new "street" is armed with satellite phones, video cameras and iPads."


A new 'Arab street'
Tunisia rebels unlike old mobs
Amir Taheri
New York Post
Last Updated: 12:15 AM, January 19, 2011
Posted: 10:03 PM, January 18, 2011

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