January 13, 2011

No Common Sense Enforcing Laws

Here's an example of politicians writing laws because humans have little common sense in this country. It is a good idea to scrutinize deaths in or out of hospitals. Similar laws could be useful in MA where medical researchers are allowed to declare the cause of deaths and do their own investigations of deaths during experiments. They usually blame a "pre-existing condition," excusing themselves from any culpability. Police, District Attorneys and the Medical Examiner do not investigate research deaths. But the laws in MA that require reporting deaths to the DA or the Medical Examiner are not always complied with. This allows the researchers to get away with murder which at best can be classified as negligent homicide.

[From article]
"There was a little line on there near the bottom of the bill that said 'King county death tax: $50.' [. . .]
King County now requires a review of every death.


Family charged 'death tax' for baby who lived one hour
KING 5 News [Seattle WN]
Posted on January 10, 2011 at 10:37 PM
Updated Tuesday, Jan 11 at 11:09 AM

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