February 5, 2016

Newspaper Supports Public Records Reform In Massachusetts

Good editorial, an improvement over foxy State Rep. Rogers' essay. It says, "the Senate bill requires agencies that lose such cases pay the legal fees of the plaintiff, an important incentive for compliance." Taxpayers pay for the misconduct of officials, as they did for the 20-years of FBI criminal enterprises enabling Bulger's serial homicides. Where is the incentive to comply? It is unfortunately unlikely the legislature will write and pass a law that restricts their deal-making options. One area omitted is the lack of inclusion of special police e.g., Harvard University campus police in state public records law requirements. 

[From editorial]
the Senate bill requires agencies that lose such cases pay the legal fees of the plaintiff, an important incentive for compliance.


Editorial: Fixing the state Public Records Law
Posted Feb. 2, 2016 at 12:05 PM

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