May 1, 2014

Harvard University Students Exhibit Courage, Bravery In Support of Conformity?

[From article]
on Sunday evening, about 30 members of The Diversity Report, an organization which arose in response to issues raised during the “I, Too, Am Harvard” campaign and a town hall for Latino students, stood silently outside the Science Center with signs that spelled out “We Are Here.”
Statements were printed on the back of the signs expressing concerns that ranged from the lack of diversity on the Administrative Board and within the faculty to the lack of resources devoted to multicultural programming.

Sunday April 27, 2014 about 6:00 PM, three dozen extraordinarily courageous Harvard University students took positions on the Science Center Plaza, (Cambridge Street overpass). What made their stand courageous? It was on City property for one. It was political speech for another. No permission from the Harvard University campus police was necessary. Were these students defying the campus police?

They held letter signs as college students usually do at football games. They read, "We are diverse. We are here." Wow! That is brave on (or near) the Harvard University campus. Who knew there were any supporters of diversity on the Harvard College campus in Cambridge?

But seriously is there any opposition to diversity on any campus? Maybe at black colleges? Are humans opposed to diversity (without defining what the concept means) allowed to speak on campus without being called racists? This exhibits what contemporary students consider brave political activism. Standing with signs supporting what 90 percent or more of the campus population supports is bravery? It is extremely sad how much conformity exists on college campuses in 2014. Diversity of opinions is not tolerated.

So what did this effort indicate? That these brave young men and women, white, black, Asian, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Spanish, whatever were standing strong for diversity? I don't mean any offense but they really looked to me as if they were part of a religious group, The Church of Diversity. It is like what I think of as The Church of Global Warming which took a name change to The Church of Climate Change. Non believers are shunned.
I noticed that there were no police officers present to protect these demonstrators from the majority who disagree with them. Oh I forgot. They are the majority. Nor were there any counter demonstrators anywhere in sight. Ya think they got the market on diversity shut tight?

College students are extremely conformist. They argue for intolerance of dissent in the name of tolerance. They argue for eliminating ethnic differences, forcing uniformity, in the name of diversity. They argue against evil America, which is the most diverse nation in the history of man. Can a nation be more diverse than the United States? At the same time they argue to elevate the Muslim religion over Christianity and Judaism. Muslims do not tolerate other religions. That is easily apparent by examining the practices and policies of the Muslim dominant nations. They harass, kill and chase non Muslims from their nations, while the United States embraces Muslims.

Students lack the ability for critical thought, for logical evaluation. They especially lack the courage to disagree with the dominant paradigm of the majority, i.e., their faculty mentors' positions.

During Visitas, Student Groups Stage Demonstrations on Race, Sexual Assault
April 28, 2014

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