May 10, 2014

Cambridge Weakly Editors Want More Clemency

Editors state, "the U.S. government is waking up to the realization that it cannot jail its way out of a drug problem." (EDITORIAL: "Facing up to the failed War on Drugs," May 10, 2014, CAMBRIDGE Chronicle) Yes, but government policy makers still believe it can jail its way out of it's troubled persons problem, by jailing any and all persons they do not like or do not understand. Some believe that persons they do not trust should be jailed too. These are the people that they say are "crazy." If drug dealers and users will no longer be jailed someone has to fill the empty cells. Ready and waiting are the crazy people. Do the editors suggest disbanding prison guard unions? Who will fund the luxurious lifestyles of union leaders? And then there are the prison guards themselves, who will be unemployed. No way, Jose. Bring on the crazies to keep the cells filled. Best of all Due Process is unnecessary to incarcerate crazy people. 

The editorial notes "Congress, locked in dysfunction, hasn't [. . .] done anything else toward meaningful drug reform." Is it dysfunction that prevents them from acting? Or is it opposition to legalizing recreational drugs? Are there no downsides to legalizing marijuana? Perhaps US Congressmen are not "cool." Maybe they have different (elderly) ideas than the editors and the lawless Obama-Holder team. If the majority of the population wants to legalize murder for offensive speech should Congress make it legal?

The editors celebrate clemency and encourage the lawless Obama-Holder leadership to increase its use. They say, "More than half of Americans favor legalizing marijuana. And the issue is increasingly a bipartisan affair." Oh? More than half of Americans oppose Obamacare and want it repealed. Do the editors support repealing that too?

EDITORIAL: Facing up to the failed War on Drugs
Posted May. 10, 2014 @ 12:17 pm

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