November 24, 2013

No-History, Smartest Man In The Room, Obama Makes It All Up

[From article]
But there is no record that Obama or his lieutenants had ever publicly said such a thing. The president's attempt to airbrush history is similar to the commandments on the barn wall in George Orwell's "Animal Farm." One day the commandment "All Animals are Equal" mysteriously appears rewritten with a new qualifier beside it, as if it had been there all along: "All animals are equal -- but some animals are more equal than others."
[. . .]
The administration has also downplayed the disaster by claiming that the more than 30 million who lost their coverage represent only "5 percent" of the insured. But even if that number is not far too low, try using that minority percentage argument on issues like gay rights. If millions of gays represent only about 5 percent of the population, is federal policy that affects gays negatively not really that important?

Jewish World Review
Nov. 21, 2013/ 18 Kislev, 5774
Obamacare-speak fails to mask an evolving fiasco
By Victor Davis Hanson

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