November 15, 2013

Identity Politics Pervades Human Services Too

[From article]
Members from Youth on Fire will share their personal experiences of homelessness and surviving on the streets as GLBTQ young adults. Carly Burton, deputy director of MassEquality and chairman of the Massachusetts Special Commission on Unaccompanied Homeless Youth’s Working Group on Services for LGBTQ Youth, will give an update on the statewide policy work around homeless youth issues.

Here is evidence of, and more misguided use of taxpayer funds appropriated for human services and to end homelessness. Identity politics makes only those members of the identity groups eligible for assistance. In this case it is lesbians and homosexuals, and others whose main identity is based on sexual preferences. Other special interest groups  get attention, e.g., (liberal) women, black, Asian, Muslim, illegal aliens, and whatever other ethnic, gender, race based special interest groups are present at the time. So what about the evil, hate-filled unorganized group of heterosexual men? Are they all wealthy, healthy and powerful? White men have no identity organization, and are prevented from having one to appeal to  when they are homeless or in need of government assistance? Is that why there are so many white homeless men?
Discussion on youth homelessness to be held Nov. 14 at Cambridge library
Wicked Local Cambridge
Posted Nov 14, 2013 @ 09:28 AM

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