November 17, 2013

Health Care Ads Misleading, Appeal to Base Instincts of Youth

[From article]
It's bad enough that these idiocracy-targeted ads reduce young people to perpetually partying boozers and traffic-bait boobs. But what's truly toxic is the ad campaign's cynical feint to draw attention away from Obamacare's undeniable harm to responsible young people. Brosurance and Hosurance are trifling distractions from the federal law's Nosurance consequences. Insurers started dropping child-only plans in Colorado, California, Ohio and Missouri in 2010 thanks to Obamacare-induced premium increases. Colleges across the country have canceled low-cost plans for students because of Obamacare rules. Thanks to the Obamacare mandate, young, healthy Americans face higher insurance premiums, decreased work hours and perverse incentives to enroll in Medicaid instead of remaining independent and off the dole.

Jewish World Review
Nov. 13, 2013/ 10 Kislev, 5774
Bros and Hos: Obamacare's Bread and Circuses
By Michelle Malkin

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