November 30, 2013

Dangers of Iran's Bomb, Enabled By Obama

[From article]
In terms of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb, this deal accomplishes identically nothing. Iran promises to dilute its stockpile of 20% enriched uranium that we know about. Inspectors will be allowed into the low-enrichment facilities that we know about. Iran gives up on a plutonium bomb, or at least the facility that we know about. Given the size and duration of Iran's bomb program, there could be a lot that we do not know about.
[. . .]
Do Obama and Kerry require an EMP, neutron burst, ground tremor, and mushroom cloud as proof?
[. . .]
The foreign policies of the Obama administration have been a never-ending tragedy of failures. The only success has been the sanctions imposed on Iran, by Congress, against Obama's objections. This author knew people from Chicago's Palestinian and Middle Eastern community in which Barack Obama was heavily involved. Many of them believed Obama to be a Muslim, and all of them knew that Obama viewed Israel as a mistake that needed to be corrected. As with all of Obama's perceived failures, were they really failures due to his inexperience and lack of critical thought, or were the outcomes the ones he desired?

November 30, 2013
Six Months to Doomsday
By Anthony J.Ciani

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