November 30, 2013

Journalist Sues Over U.S. Law Enabling Military Abuses of Civilians

[From article]
Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Chris Hedges, a former New York Times reporter who is the leading plaintiff in a federal lawsuit against the NDAA (Hedges v. Obama).
What follows may well be startling news to you, too: "If Section 1021 stands, it will mean that more than 150 years of case law in which the Supreme Court repeatedly held the military has no jurisdiction over civilians will be abolished.
"It will mean citizens who are charged by the government with 'substantially (otherwise undefined) supporting' al-Qaida, the Taliban or the nebulous category of 'associated forces' will be lawfully subject to extraordinary rendition.
"It will mean citizens seized by the military (including in America) will languish in military jails indefinitely, or in the language of Section 1021, until 'the end of hostilities' -- in an age of permanent war, (which could mean) for the rest of their lives" ("The Last Chance to Stop the NDAA," Hedges,, Sept. 2).

Jewish World Review
Nov. 27, 2013/ 2 Kislev, 5774
Only some of our young are now independent Americans
By Nat Hentoff

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