May 7, 2013

Cambridge City Council Labors On, Ignoring The City's Role In Terror Attack

Cambridge City Council

Reporter forgot the 5-4 vote on the rule allowing reconsideration of council orders at meetings The Council Rule conflicts with Robert's Rules of Order. The Council voted to ignore Robert's Rules under which, the Council's own rules mandate they are obligated to run their meetings. The City Council uses two rules for their meetings. One limits public comment to three minutes per speaker. The other is Robert's Rule which allows suspension of the rules. It is a form of controlled anarchy, under the pretension of not knowing what they are doing but appearing to know. One essential skill of politicians is being able to fool other people. In a late order from compassionate Councilor Denise Simmons, carried over from the previous meeting, the Council voted to continue funding for placing 3-year-olds in mental hospitals, in order to increase the number of city residents with a history of mental illness.

City Council Considers Parking Space Rentals
May 6, 2013

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