May 22, 2013

Another Misguided Cambridge Voter

Talk about misinformed voters, this letter is obviously written by a misguided taxpayer. Peter Wilson seems to think that public schools exist to educate students, to teach them skills. Silly man is living in the past. Today's modern World Class Schools are focused on increasing union dues so that union leaders can improve their living standards, give more money to politicians so that they can get even more taxpayer funds next year. More union-dues-paying psychologists are needed in the schools so that they can eliminate bullying, and teach students to sit in place or get drugged until they do so. Councilor and State Rep. Decker fights for this priority with School Committee Members Marc McGovern and Richard Harding. Cambridge is number one in spending taxpayer funds and that is all that matters. First priority is that Cambridge students learn to hate America. Second and third are what diversity and multiculturalism mean to a civil society. Fourth is obedience to authority. When Councilor Decker, the conscience of the City, is upset it is not right. Wake up Wilson. You sound like a bitter white man who is clinging to his guns and religion. Get with it. Join the Unions.

LETTER: A Cambridge budget spurned
Wicked Local Cambridge
Posted May 21, 2013 @ 04:03 PM
Peter Wilson, Huron Avenue

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